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OBSE with Mod Organizer?


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I have the Steam version of Oblivion, so how do I get OBSE to work with Mod Organizer? When I launch the Script Extender .exe file using Mod Organizer I get a message saying I need to launch OBSE through steam, but if I do that, all of the mods I've installed through Mod Organizer won't load.

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Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) needs to be downloaded to a temporary folder, unzipped and then manually installed using either copy and paste from the right click menu or drag and drop. The install instructions are outlined in the file obse_readme.txt found after you've unzipped the download (be sure to follow the Steam version instructions if you are using the Steam version of the game).

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The problem here is Mod Organizer.

According to the docs you need to start the game via Steam for OBSE to work with Steam,

but for Mod Organizer to even have a chance to work you need to start the game through MO, of course.


The most naive approach in my eyes would be to just run Steam from Mod Organizer, then Oblivion from inside Steam... but I'm not sure that will work.

What do the MO guys say about it? They're the ones who know this in and out, and as MO isn't exactly used a lot with good'old Oblivion, I'd say chances to find knowledgeable enough MO users 'here' in the Oblivion section instead are rather minimal.

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  • 1 month later...

For me it worked to run steam through mod organizer and then run Oblivion from there (after hours of trying to find a solution I tried this and it worked, I think) I haven't played with it for a while but for now everything seems to work just fine. I also have set the load mechanism in the workarounds tab of MO (in the options) to Script extender.


If I run into any problems with this method I will let you guys know.

Edited by theBusStop
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  • 8 months later...

As far as i can see the problem is manifold to fix it Tanner and the Silverlock team would need to work together and alter the OBSE_Steam.dll file so it triggers correctly when calling Oblivion.exe from MO



a Second solution is to get a Retail copy of Oblivion GOTY and transfer all your paid DLC to it then launch retail copy through MO as it uses the OBSE_Launcher.exe



NB Retail box copy Oblivion: GOTY only includes Shivering Isles and Knights of the Nine (as far as I know) if anyone knows differently let me know.


Thirdly you could go back to NMM and before you groan and say it will never be as good as MO the Developers of NMM are working on a version NMM that going to have alot of MO functionality it's all still in alpha, although that may have change. (but you won't have this problem with OBSE for steam not working.).


BTW Gopher did a video about this newer version NMM. Google Gophervids NMM 0.60

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GotY comes only with SI and Knights, as you said. But it's no problem to copy the other DLC files ffrom the steam folder and use them with the retail version ... okay, at least it's no problem with the Anthology (which is GotY on disk, everything else Steam only). You would at least need two game versions that use the same language.


Best for Oblivion: use WryeBash. :)

That's still no solution for your question as it is ... sorry!

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Unless ShadeMe come back to mod, OBSE is dead, so the first point is very unlikely.


For the second point, retail copy are not very common in shops today...



As for the third point, you must NEVER use NMM for Oblivion, as it's not able to install many Oblivion mods on the Nexus (and the whole internet).

It was released after 30000+ Oblivion mods were already created. Very few of them have been updated to support NMM and many newest Oblivion mods don't supporting it. Put it this way: NMM is good for newer games like Skyrim, bad for older games.


The best solution (even better than MO) is Wrye Bash.

Nothing, I repeat: NOTHING replicate (and will never replicate) the Bashed Patch, which is the most powerful modding utility we have so far.

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  • 2 years later...

I know this thread is ancient, but so is this game.


So to help anyone that might stumble upon this problem in the future:

Just copy the Oblivion.exe from a retail version over the one that Steam provided. Don't forget to back it up. Then you can launch obse_loader.exe from MO which will correctly launch Oblivion with OBSE and its plugins. Easy fix.


Note: I'm using MO 2.1.1, the same that I use for Skyrim and FO4


Again, sorry for necroing but hopefully this will save a few hours of searching for anyone who might try this in the future, and prevent creating new questions and threads (without getting an answer)

Edited by hori873
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