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Two Worlds

The Extreme TES

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Two Worlds...It sounds awesome...And it is awesome :teehee: ...Im playing it about 4 days and im totally addicted i mean totally...And i thought...If some of you guys ever played it..And if you know some hints...Some places where is good loot...And so...:P....BTW Im Lvl 8 ...I learned two blades skill....And im playing it very little...But still its enough :thumbsup:



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Two Worlds...It sounds awesome...And it is awesome :teehee: ...Im playing it about 4 days and im totally addicted i mean totally...And i thought...If some of you guys ever played it..And if you know some hints...Some places where is good loot...And so...:P....BTW Im Lvl 8 ...I learned two blades skill....And im playing it very little...But still its enough :thumbsup:




what about it do you love? I found it an unloveable lump of something unmentionable when I vainly attempted to play it, but Im sure some people must've got it working, as it sold well...



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There's a lot to like about Two Worlds. As long as you get all of the update patches, which improves the graphics, fixes a lot of bugs and the AI system among other things. It still crashes occasionally for me though, but no more than Oblivion. The graphics may not be as good as Oblivion but they are still pretty good. I'd trade stunning graphics for game play any day.


It has real dual wielding, horse combat, a very good magic and alchemy system and the AI is also very good. Plus it's like a living world with a huge variety of creatures and monsters. You actually have to learn how to ride your horse and if it doesn't like you it's harder to get it to behave. There are different types of horses, eg Orc horse, Dragon and Demon horses as well as the normal types.


Like the Gothic series of games and Risen, I like Two Worlds game play and combat much more than Oblivion. You really have to learn to fight. You can kick dust in enemies eyes, dodge, shield bash and lots more.


A big plus for me is there's no level scaling or being led in quests. It's a dangerous world and you have to work hard to get anywhere which adds to the role playing.


There are a large variety of voice actors so every race doesn't sound the same. The only thing about the voices is the archaic way they speak, but that's also more realistic for the medieval type setting.


I love Oblivion, but if I had to choose between Two Worlds and the Gothic series I mentioned as far as immersion and being involved in a realistic world, Oblivion would come second. I haven't finished Two Worlds, but this topic reminded me to go back to it soon.

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True, without the updates you'll have a big problem. The only thing missing from oblivion was defending with a shield actually. Another thing is that you could play it a few times as you could do different things and your actions determined the story, it wasn't on a huge scale but a nice addition.If Two worlds had the option to mod it with a construction kit...it would get difficult to choose between the games.

I'm really looking forward to two worlds 2. (they could've done a simpler less confusing name..but ah well.) (hopefully in september.)

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Actually there are mods for Two Worlds, but not many. Most are retexures, but there is one where you can play as a female, a house mod and clothes and armour.


I did try one which overhauls the game a bit like OOO does for Oblivion, (New World 1.5 Mod) and it does adjust levels and re-balances a lot of things, but makes it harder in some respects. I was using it until I had to reinstall Windows after a system upgrade and I decided play the game vanilla first.

It requires a restart of the game, but now if I remember correctly the game didn't crash as often when I was using it. Maybe I'll start over.


Here is the list of mods. You have to install a mod manager (Control Panel) which is easy enough and adding the mod is even easier. Plus they just work with no fiddling around with files.



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For me thats just another two nails in its coffin Maigrets, Firstly, this isnt the dark ages, requiring a mod to play a female character in a rpg isnt really acceptable anymore, about half the gamers I know offline are women, so not only is it politicaly incorrect, but they are potentialy losing marketshare, secondly, what kind of half assed rpg doesnt support mods? even kotor had mods for pities sake! All n all honesty Ive tried to like this game, Ive tried to love it for what it is, rather than hating it for what it isnt, but Im not going to lie, I think its a second rate rpg, in my view, dawn of war 2 is a more polished rpg than this is. Of all the rpgs out there right now, mass effect, the witcher, oblivion, dragon age, fallout ect, you need to stand out to be remembered, and until Extreme revived my nerdrage, I had long ago forgoten about this game, in these days rpgs have very high standards to meet, this doesnt even come close. :dry:
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No it's not the dark ages last time I looked. Just because a game doesn't have both genders as a playable character is meaningless if the game is good. There are plenty of new games that do have the option, but I wouldn't say they had good game play mechanics and an engaging story, just because they are new.


I tried Dragon Age and personally I don't care how good the story is, the mechanics of the game are atrocious. I can read a book with a better story without the aggravation. Oblivion, even though it's a great game went down the wrong track when it differed so much from Morrowind. Now that is an RPG worth playing.

Fallout 3 got boring really quickly and I didn't even finish the main quest. It's too much of the same thing over and over. If I want 200 kinds of guns I can play Half Life 2, Crysis or any other FPS which I also like to play.


With the number of games I've bought over the years that are gathering dust now I could have saved a fortune. It's the hype and expectations that make me, or used to now I'm more particular, buy them in the first place. I could count on one hand the games that I've actually finished because they caught my imagination and were worthy of the hype.


about half the gamers I know offline are women, so not only is it politicaly incorrect, but they are potentialy losing marketshare


Quite an assumption you make here. You might be surprised I am female and have been playing games since before the first PC was available. I started out with the Amiga 1200 and have played games of all genres over all those years. I also know plenty of female gamers who don't much care if the character they play is male or female if the game is playable and worth the effort. The gender issue people keep on about in RPG's gets a bit boring after awhile to tell you the truth. I get sick of hearing about it and I don't see a problem role playing as a male if that's the only choice. It's the storyline and other attention to other details that are important, but that's just my opinion.

One thing about the games I mentioned..ie the Gothic series and Risen in particular, is they never crash or glitch even after playing from midnight 'til dawn non stop. There aren't many new games that can say that that I've played and I have all of the games you mentioned, including The Witcher which also doesn't have a female playable character.


Extreme revived my nerdrage

The Extreme TES has a right to an opinion without being put down about it and I notice he or she hasn't been back to comment. You don't have to like my opinions either, but there it is. I'm not forcing them on anyone.

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