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aronach for fighter, i had never thought of that one.


basically i THINK the resitances work this way, if you have 75% resistance to fire and you get hit by a 100 damage point spell, you take only 25 damge since 100-75=25


You shoudl also discuss the uselfullness of some of the skills you wouldn't expect to find in one class but find them well suited. Like block as a secondary skill for an assassin, at high skill levels it really helps out a lot when something gets drawn in too close and you need something to hide behind while you pump them full of throwing knives.


good point there, before i started playing morrowind i scoffed at the thought of an assassin using a shield, but it is truly usefull, especailly since sneaking around killing ppl gets old and you will want to go adventuring and such.


i like the assasssin setup, very good for both thieving and adventuring, and the skills are perfect for hlaalu.

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