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Blue Morphos

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Dark one knows this is me,I have PM'd him and what I said is between him and I and the staff here. I want to apologize to all here that I hurt verbally. I make no excuse and accept my words,actions and deeds as my responsibility. I am now taking anti-depressants as I was prone to mood swings as many here were witness too. I want to say I'm sorry and if this account is banned then so be it,I will move on. I truly want to say I'm sorry to vagrantO, I was an ass and you did not deserve my verbal abuse. I hope all here can find it in their hearts to forgive me.


On a special note, Buddha, I owe you an apology which I am not sure you can accept. Believe me when I say I wish I could take back all that was said between us. I bear you no ill will in any way,manner,shape nor form and whether you choose to accept my apology or not I will in no way feel slighted nor wronged by you. You always treated me fairly but I abused and ruined our friendship and I am the only one responsible. Words cannot convey how deeply my sorrow and anguish is over my atrocious behavior and if it is deemed that I be outcast,then so be it. My most humble of apologies to all I verbally wronged, Dezdimona.

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Blue Morphos I would never expect you to do such a thing, I mean I've seen you post around the forums and your usually a kind, and nice presence around here. But it's not my business to trek any further, but if it helps, even though I doubt it will, I forgive you for whatever you may have said. Hey we all make mistakes right, take it from someone who knows personally.
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Dark one knows this is me,I have PM'd him and what I said is between him and I and the staff here. I want to apologize to all here that I hurt verbally. I make no excuse and accept my words,actions and deeds as my responsibility. I am now taking anti-depressants as I was prone to mood swings as many here were witness too. I want to say I'm sorry and if this account is banned then so be it,I will move on. I truly want to say I'm sorry to vagrantO, I was an ass and you did not deserve my verbal abuse. I hope all here can find it in their hearts to forgive me.


On a special note, Buddha, I owe you an apology which I am not sure you can accept. Believe me when I say I wish I could take back all that was said between us. I bear you no ill will in any way,manner,shape nor form and whether you choose to accept my apology or not I will in no way feel slighted nor wronged by you. You always treated me fairly but I abused and ruined our friendship and I am the only one responsible. Words cannot convey how deeply my sorrow and anguish is over my atrocious behavior and if it is deemed that I be outcast,then so be it. My most humble of apologies to all I verbally wronged, Dezdimona.

my posts under "Dezdimona" would reveal much. That I apologized under that name only is of what I speak. I abused my friends and the staff here and in no way hold then accountable for my ban under the name "Dezdimona", my real name BTW. I owe those that knew me for over a year a huge heart-filled apology but expect nothing if anything in return. I know not of you and the fact that you replied is heart warming to say the least.

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i was sad when i knew about your ban, and i thing: "what happened to her."

It's good to see you take responsibility for that, few people do this.

i 'am truly expecting that you continue in this forum.



good luck and my all good wishes to you.

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I... I never thought I hear from you again. I now really hope that moderators and admins will accept your apology. I was following the story along, and... and I wish they will reinstate you.



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Dark one knows this is me,I have PM'd him and what I said is between him and I and the staff here. I want to apologize to all here that I hurt verbally. I make no excuse and accept my words,actions and deeds as my responsibility. I am now taking anti-depressants as I was prone to mood swings as many here were witness too. I want to say I'm sorry and if this account is banned then so be it,I will move on. I truly want to say I'm sorry to vagrantO, I was an ass and you did not deserve my verbal abuse. I hope all here can find it in their hearts to forgive me.


On a special note, Buddha, I owe you an apology which I am not sure you can accept. Believe me when I say I wish I could take back all that was said between us. I bear you no ill will in any way,manner,shape nor form and whether you choose to accept my apology or not I will in no way feel slighted nor wronged by you. You always treated me fairly but I abused and ruined our friendship and I am the only one responsible. Words cannot convey how deeply my sorrow and anguish is over my atrocious behavior and if it is deemed that I be outcast,then so be it. My most humble of apologies to all I verbally wronged, Dezdimona.

my posts under "Dezdimona" would reveal much. That I apologized under that name only is of what I speak. I abused my friends and the staff here and in no way hold then accountable for my ban under the name "Dezdimona", my real name BTW. I owe those that knew me for over a year a huge heart-filled apology but expect nothing if anything in return. I know not of you and the fact that you replied is heart warming to say the least.


No problem my friend, if I may call you that. We all do things we are not proud of, and even if we never met, I take pleasure in trying to comfort those who deserve it. Common guys forgive her, she cleary made a mistake.

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I... I never thought I hear from you again. I now really hope that moderators and admins will accept your apology. I was following the story along, and... and I wish they will reinstate you.



Edit,i see you corrected the him after I posted,I type very fast, but hiding myself got me into trouble and I no longer do that.I am me and happy as me,my only regret is the words to some that I know hurt deeply>I am ashamed for my actions and those words but as I said,my meds have now altered and stopped my mood swings and for that I am grateful but I cannot expect all to forgive me and thats ok. What I said to some was inexcuseable and I know cut deeply.

I at one time was a him,I am Trans-genered and now consider myself female as I have no male sex organ. :

your responce is sweet and I appreciate your comments. I cannot express my sorrow at the way I treated some people here but I only wish to be allowed to show I have changed for the better.

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Ya know.. I honestly can't say that i'm surprised to see you back. Kinda had a feeling that you were still around here. But whatever. Knowing the effects that certain medications can have on a person i can fully understand. The wrong kind can turn you into an almost completely different person. But still... Saying you'll be good and actually doing it are two different things. Buuuuuut i really don't think you'll have too much a problem with that to be honest. You're a nice enough person and never really caused any problems here......Soooo yeah.... Welcome back i guess. If you're allowed to stay that is.
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I... I never thought I hear from you again. I now really hope that moderators and admins will accept your apology. I was following the story along, and... and I wish they will reinstate you.



Edit,i see you corrected the him after I posted,I type very fast, but hiding myself got me into trouble and I no longer do that.I am me and happy as me,my only regret is the words to some that I know hurt deeply>I am ashamed for my actions and those words but as I said,my meds have now altered and stopped my mood swings and for that I am grateful but I cannot expect all to forgive me and thats ok. What I said to some was inexcuseable and I know cut deeply.

I at one time was a him,I am Trans-genered and now consider myself female as I have no male sex organ. :

your responce is sweet and I appreciate your comments. I cannot express my sorrow at the way I treated some people here but I only wish to be allowed to show I have changed for the better.


Yeah I was like, oh crap that's not a he, that's a she, EDIT, EDIT! But transgender, wow didn't see that coming. But that's not the point, don't beat yourself up, we all know what you did hurt a lot of good friends, but if they are trully your friends they will forgive you. Give them time, they'll come around. Take care Blue Morphos, hope time heals all wounds.

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Hey Dezi :biggrin: that Really you?

You have a wonderful home, and a wonderful talent :biggrin:

I hope all is well with you, and it will be wonderful to see you here again.

You and all that you bring has been missed here.

Give Montana a hug for me :biggrin:

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