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Tyrannis predictions/expectations


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I have very low expectations from Tyrannis.


Since Apocrypha i.e. w-space introduction (and the mini update for rigs a little later) little has changed in Eve for me. Dominion had no new content as far as I can remember, which is not true- but still, this is the feeling I have. Oh yes: Dominion nerfed the rattlesnake- thus it did change eve for me by spoiling my fun.


I have this very strong feeling that planetary interaction is going to be useless- something we tinker with for a week and then carry on with other stuff.


Eve gate in its current incarnation is a calendar and mail client, which is (not) soooo exciting :)


Not sure what I want from the expansion, but certainly I want something more exciting.


Maybe with these low expectation I will be pleasantly surprised, though I doubt it.

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I hope they release walking in stations soon. Seriously, how many years has it been now?


Other than that, I'm not particularly interested in any of the other ideas they have for expansions. Planetary interaction might be fun, and I might give it a go, but I agree it probably won't be anything special.

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The new contacts system is horrible. WHY do I have to set standings when I want to add someone to my contacts list? I only want to know whether they are online, FFS, not exchange romantic missives :mad: The lack of folders is just awful. What moron did they let loose on that?


EVE-gate... sorry, if I wanted Facebook I'd have opened an account there. And the default privacy settings are a joke. Did they listen to player concerns and make it opt-in rather than opt-out? Of course not. 'YOU WILL USE IT, DAMN YOU!'


Planetary interaction? Hold me back, I can't cope with this much excitement. When do we get the 'watching paint dry' expansion? Oh wait - that's Incarna, isn't it?


Not impressed. At all.

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Don't hold your breath for Incarna, Term.


I logged into Eve Gate, but I have not tried any of the newer features yet. The calendar may help me organize my RL, not sure about Eve :)


One of my friends has the same issue with standings as you Theta. Been cursing, just like you too :) There is always hope that in about a year they will iron things out. I like the basic idea of changing skills etc. via a browser.


Did not realize I have to opt-out of this- should check the privacy settings....

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There is always hope that in about a year they will iron things out.


Make that 'in about 7 years' or 'never' - CCP have a terrible track record in attending to stuff that was poorly implemented.




Please support this, if you think CCP should spend some time on fixing the stuff that's broken or was forgotten about.

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There is always hope that in about a year they will iron things out.


Make that 'in about 7 years' or 'never' - CCP have a terrible track record in attending to stuff that was poorly implemented.




Please support this, if you think CCP should spend some time on fixing the stuff that's broken or was forgotten about.

that is quite funny to see. i stopped about a year ago and was there for maybe 3? back then they used to have this threads all over. fix moar. blasters are weak. :biggrin:

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that is quite funny to see. i stopped about a year ago and was there for maybe 3? back then they used to have this threads all over. fix moar. blasters are weak. :biggrin:

May I add that the reason I personally feel strongly about all this is because I think Eve is the best game ever (since Elite/Doom), and I see Eve as a part of my life, and I would be devastated if Eve died.


I am aware of the movement for excellence in Eve, and there was a fair bit of discussion on this among/with the CSM candidates this time around. I do support this movement, though there has to be a balance. Features that are not perfect must not be abandoned. More importantly features that are perfect must not be messed with. The sound effects in eve were brilliant till they decided on the new sound engine - and even after a year the sound is still not the same (let alone be better). They finally got a handle on lag- or it appeared that they were getting somewhere- and wham!! Worst lag ever... so it goes on. I love it- and I hate it- though the love is overpowering.... and the hate is full of hope and expectation....

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Agree, often changes made seem arbitrary and the opposite of an improvement. Blatant example is the cyno effect... the old one was fantastic and spectacular. Then it was replaced with the dull effect we have now.


Or think of the outrage about the supercap changes - at least that one time CCP listened to the players.

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Remember when explosions were actually like explosions? Looked wonderful- worth blowing up structures just for the visuals. Then they changed it to these spokes radiating out...
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