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3ds max


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I do happen to have 3DS Max, but I only know how to mod for Oblivion so far, so as soon as I read this topic regarding Fallout 3, that is something beyond my knowledge at the moment.
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google tutorials for learning how to use max.


if you read any oblivion tutorials, its pretty much the same, except you do few little things different right at the very end to get it to work in fallout.


I now to use 3ds max and this is my model


And what i do next and how to put it in the Fallout 3 tnx

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get the niftools nif plugin for 3ds max.


I would import a vanilla nif- perhaps the chinese officer sword. now scale your mesh reletive to that.

reset xform

align the meshes pivot point, so it'll be exactly where you want the right hand to grasp the weapons hilt.

now move the object to 0 xyz.


make collision box- search for saiden storms tutorial for exporting collision, its for oblivion, but its the same, just use my export settings and post export setup.


set up you textures and material, add those mats to the meshes. (you can now delete the materials name, so it doesn't export with one, but its not absolutely needed. for the most part)


hide everything you don't want exported


export the whole scene using these settings:


Open the exported nif in nifskope.

spells>update tangent space

you will also have to go into the BSShaderPPLightingProperty and disable the shader flag SF_Shadow_Map, and while you are there you can disable the SF_Shadow_Frustum one as well.


Now right click the scene root node- most often this is still a ninode and not a BSFadeNode. I have managed it to export with one but can't put my finger on what I did to get the root node dropdown to work on the exporter. So lets asume its a NiNode at the top, double clip that and change to BSFadeNode.


Now right click the root node> node> attach extra data> NiStringExtraData


now select that new node. in its block details, under the value field, change the name to Prn and the string data to Weapon


finally (I think) the BSXFlags node. in block details there should be a little flag icon, click that, and just enable the 1st, 2nd and fourth flags in the list.





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