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Satchel container within inventory (storage within storage)


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First off, if a mod like this already exists, I'm sorry. I searched with as many key terms as I could think of and couldn't find anything. Also, please share the name/link so I can use it.


The mod I would like to see is basically a separate storage container that can be carried on the player. I use SkyUI, and one of my favorite features is the ability to switch outfits with a keypress. I have my cold-weather gear for Frostfall, my Thieves Guild gear for sneakytime, Nightingale Armor for wanting to look bad-ass, etc., etc., all bound to a keypress.


Inventory management is a bit of a pain, though. I have 6-7 outfits clogging up the place whenever I want to sell an item.


I have been using Ishara's Key Ring (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51383/?) to make my keys more manageable, but that mod got me wondering if there was a similar mod out there for holding armor.


Would it be possible to auto-equip items from that container? Because that would be neat.


Um. Yes, so that's it. My grand idea. -coughsOCDcough- If anyone could make something like this, that would be AWESOME! And if something out there exists, like I said, sorry for making an unnecessary request and please share the link!

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Hi Iofgren, thanks for the reply and link! I'm going to try this out, but it looks a bit bulky. Plus, I don't know if I want a creepy cart following me around, haha. But who knows, I might fall in love with it.


In the meantime, I'm still keen on the idea of a satchel or bag that can be carried in the inventory that can hold its own storage.

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Auto-equip items from a container is totally possible. At least auto-equip as far as in-game appearance is concerned. Behind the scenes it requires the items to be transferred to the player inventory and then equipped. But visually, the items would simply appear to equip when the designated hot key is pressed.

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It's possible, but has anybody done it?


I'm not sure what you mean by "bulky." If it's too much baggage for you (HA!), check out the "Handcart Only" in the Misc. files section. It adds a container you can access through your inventory, and that's it. No cart following you around, no sorting, no nonsense.

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Iofgren, by bulky I just mean a lot of things I don't necessarily need/want (also, I laughed out loud at your pun. good one!!). I have tried that mod, and while it's definitely helpful for keeping your inventory neater, it isn't going to let me stash my equipment sets in a sack out of site and let me switch between them. I am still playing with it to see if I can find a system that works, but in the meantime, I'm still interested in something like Ishara Meradin said applied to my original post.

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It's possible, but has anybody done it?

I've done it with ammo. Bow is equipped and arrows based on a player decided order are transferred and equipped. Same with crossbows. Hasn't been released. And with the way things are going (RL not modding) it might not happen any time soon.


As far as something already existing that the OP wants, I'd suspect that no has yet done it.

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