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Need some help here.. CTD Issue.


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I love fallout 3 but I have some problems. for one when playing the game it'll randomly reboot my pc with no apparent error, I've tried vanalla unmodded, i've tried modded, i've tried updatign vid card drivers and direct X, I just can't figure it out. This is on top of the game randomly CTDing with a fallout3.exe error every 30-60 mins in vanallia or modded. I have np problems with other games it just seems to be this one, even oblivion runs for longer.. (though it still ctd's way to much for how long its been out.) My first thought was overheating, but I have played other games with better graphics than fallout 3 that tend to have MUCH more going on and can play them for 12+ hours straight with 0 issues. Any suggestions?


Some of my Pc Specs: Pentium D 805 2.66ghz dual core, 2gb Ram, Geforce 8800 GT 512 MB, Soundcard is a built in one on the motherboard.

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auto-re-booting is a symptom of a failing power supply unit.


Really? Why does it only seem to happen with fallout 3. seems kinda odd to only be having this problem with 1 game.. Also with Fo3Edit how can i move the load order around to try to fix some conflicts?

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Really? Why does it only seem to happen with fallout 3.

1 - software reboots are exceptionally rare


2 - just maybe those games with better graphics don't stress your system like FO3

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