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Did I choose the right time to take a break from PC Gaming?


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It's been since March 2013 sense I had a computer at home, I needed to take a break from gaming and PC'S to prove to myself I could quit computer's anytime, I also needed to catch up on my credit card debt, I hope to have saved enough money up by the time I'm 48 years old to build my dream gaming PC, I turned 45 last month.


I noticed all my favorite franchise games Fallout and elder scroll's haven't had any releases or mention of anything new.


I hope PC Gaming isn't dead.

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Why would it be dead? PC gaming does not revolve around the Fallout/Elder Scrolls games (and actually The Elder Scrolls Online is a newcomer and it is part of the ES franchise). True, a Fallout series related announcement is now a bit overdue, but there are other titles to enjoy in the meantime.


Some titles that I already enjoy playing or looking forward to purchasing:


- Metro 2033 and Last Light Redux;

- Dishonored;

- Bioshock Infinite;

- Alien: Isolation;

- Dragon Age: Inquisition;

- the upcoming fourth Mass Effect game;

- The Witcher 3: the Wild Hunt;

- Assassin's Creed: Unity;

- Grand Theft Auto V on PC;


As to Bethesda and their two most important franchises: I believe the new consoles (PS4 and Xbox One) might have caused some delay in their development plans: obviously, releasing the new instalments of these games based on another re-named version of the same Gamebryo engine that they have already milked dry would inevitably lead to an outrage, just like releasing them without any modding tools.

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I have the game dishonored and it's a awesome game and I played most of GTA games, GTA V is on my wish list.


There's another game I seen on TV with a masked guy who can control traffic and camera's, it's name escapes my tungue at the moment sorry, but looks like a great game.

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You probably saw "Watch_dogs". It is a decent game, some people describe it as a "Grand Theft Auto-wannabe" (and I kinda agree with them).


Other titles:

- The most recent Tomb Raider game (Tomb Raider 2013);

- Thief (some say it's okay, some say it's bad, I'd say it's okay if you can get it from the bargain bin or during a Steam sale).


Another upcoming title that I'm fairly interested in:


- Far Cry IV.


I have FC III and it is a good game.

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Most of these games are multiplatforms though, it's not like you are missing anything significant. If you have a 360 or a PS4, you can play most of these games and their first party exclusives on console, rather than PC.

Edited by brokenergy
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yea PC doesnt get many AAA exclusives anymore, if any? its just the preferred system for many (including myself) to play those titles on. i have a PS3, ill be getting a PS4 (was going to get it next week with Destiny, but will probably be waiting until Christmas now because my gf wants to buy it for me haha), but id almost always choose a game now on PC over PS4. exceptions include any coop game my GF wants to play with me. maybe if a previous game was on PS3 and they used saved game data for the new release, but even thats slowly getting to the point where idrc. if anything ill just replay it on PC.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

The last couple generations of Xbox and PLaystation consoles are essentially PCs, the only real difference is that it is easier to hook them up to your television, and that they don't have keyboards. I personally see no point in buying a console any more, as they usually have all the drawbacks a PC would have. Take the playstation 2 for example:


1.) No having to be connected to the internet, or download updates etc.

2.) No having to "install" the game to your hard drive, or worry about meeting the hardware requirements, or worst yet, random crashes and troubleshooting.



With the PS3, I I had to wait an hour for GTAIV to install onto my hard drive, and many games such as Dark Souls were always being updated. I will be 30 next year, and I am happy with my $1200 Asus laptop I bought back in February 2012. Sure, I have to wait for games like GTA:V to be released on PC, but I am a single male. So it's not like I need a television to share with my wife and kids.




Why would it be dead? PC gaming does not revolve around the Fallout/Elder Scrolls games (and actually The Elder Scrolls Online is a newcomer and it is part of the ES franchise). True, a Fallout series related announcement is now a bit overdue, but there are other titles to enjoy in the meantime.

PC gaming isn't quite dead, but faces stiff competition from Social networking, tablets, and cell phones. I have the same feeling as well sometimes. Steam has tons of games for sale, but very few I would be interested in. I don't remember when was the last time I paid $40+ for a recently released game. Aside from maybe Mass Effect 3 and Splinter Cell back in 2012.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My guess is that Beth is working on a new 64 bit game engine ( I hope) and that has slowed down the release cycle a bit. Based on the timing of past releases we should have seen a Fallout release this fall. It didn't happen. I'm now hoping for a new Fallout using a 64 bit engine this spring.

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