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Screwed up my setup with incompetent modding...


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Total noob question here, I'm hoping there's a simple fix to what I've done.


I thought I'd fiddle with the dialog in another mod. I'm running MO and LOOT, so I put the Creation Kit in MO and ran it from there. Selected the mod but no "Active mod". Changed a few lines of dialog. Saved, CK asked for a name, gave it one. Found the resulting esp in the overwrite folder and moved it to a new mod folder. Refreshed MO, enabled the new mod.


Now my Skyrim setup is totally rogered. Trying to reload a save gives me the "this save depends on deleted content" message. If I keep going I get "Skyrim Script Extender is not running" message, then "SkyUI can't run". Nothing works.


So I decide that was a bad idea, and remove my new mod. SAME BEHAVIOR. I've apparently screwed up the original setup somehow, but I've no idea how.


Any idea what happened and what the simplest fix might be?

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I'm assuming that you have no saves from before you put the mod in, correct? If you did, I would reccomend just falling back on those. As for SkyUI, I would suggest removing all traces of SkyUI in your game and then reinstalling it fresh. That should fix all of your problems regarding that. As for SKSE, again, just remove all traces of it and reinstall fresh. Just make sure you get the latest version (1.7.1).


P.S. By the way, is your SkyUI error saying something like "SkyUI Error 05" or some sort of number type for your error? If so, I believe the SkyUI team has set up those prompts to attempt to help you troubleshoot any issues with SkyUI.

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You CANNOT have .esps as masters. They MUST be esmified first (with say, Wrye Bash) or your plugin WILL NOT WORK. You used the dialogue mod as a master, but did not have it .espified.


This causes issues. Maybe not your particular issues, but something to be avoided all the same.


Excellent tutorial on the subject, by IsharaMeradin:



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Hah. When run from MO, CK writes changes to MO's overwrite directory. The overwrite directory is always loaded by MO. So I bet I had bad files in the overwrite directory, turned off my mod thinking that my changes had been stored there, and they were loaded anyway.

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BTW, Matthiaswagg, thanks for the info. What you said is total gibberish to me (what's the difference between a master and an esp?), which is actually useful. I'll go read your link... this looks like something I need to understand.

An .esp (elder scrolls plugin) is the file extension for normal mods. Most every mod uses a .esp. When you open the CK and start making something, you're creating an .esp.


An .esm (elder scrolls master) is something like Skyrim.esm or USKP.esm. It is a master file, which can be built upon (USKP used to be an .esp, but I believe .esms can be larger so they switched to that). .esps cannot have non-esms as masters. Not sure about the technicalities, but it can cause duplicate records and some other issues.


I.e. ModA tries to edit the iron arrow, and ModB tries to make a separate edit to the iron arrow. If you use both, then the last loaded will edit the arrow and the other won't do anything to the arrow. If you try to create a patch that combines the edits with ModA.esp and ModB.esp as masters (containing all their records so you can edit them), then you'll end up not with the iron arrow having both effects, but with 2 types of the arrow - the right, and the old one. Making ModA and ModB .esms like Ishara said, then you'll end up with one iron arrow type with both effects - as intended.

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