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How does Ulfric know Delphine?


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During "Season Unending" quest when you negotiate a truce between the sides in the civil war, Esbern interrupts the flow of insults between two parties with


"Here you sit arguing about... nothing! While the fate of the land hangs in the balance!"


prompting Ulfric to interject


"Is he with you, Delphine? If so, I advise you to tell him to watch his tongue".


This implies that Ulfric and Delphine were loose acquaintances before Season Unending, since Ulfric knows her by name. Furthermore, Ulfric was not introduced to the Blades just before the meeting, since he only suggests/asks that Esbern is with Delphine, rather than stating it outright.


Now, we know that Delphine definitely ventured away from the inn on occasion (she appears in Farengar's quarters after you return that stone to him). Still, I find it interesting that this line is the only suggestion of Ulfric and Delphine being acquainted.

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My guess (and it's only a guess) is that as you pointed out, Delphine got out a lot during her attempts to find things (Esbern, dragons, other Blades survivors) -so it stands to reason that she must have visited Windhelm several (if not numerous) times. She probably introduced herself to Ulfric in a guise much the way she (apparently) interacted with Farengar.


So by the time of "Season Unending", Ulfric may have looked at her and said/thought "Oh, you. So that's what you were really about."

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She is a highly trained secret operative for an organization trained to defend the empire and to fight dragons. Of course she would have been in contact with all the important players in the game of succession. Most of the older jarls probably know exactly who, or atleast what she is, as do the Thalmor, she is still pretty well known even if she is in hiding from the Thalmor.

Edited by Valkasha
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Good point. Pity there isn't a scene at the Sleeping Giant inn early in the game where a Thalmor patrol walks in and starts harassing the barkeep for info about her whereabouts.

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Still, he asks "is he with you, Delphine?" rather then "Delphine, tell that curmudgeon you brought here to shut up". The latter can be seen as a weird insult, the first seems like a genuine question. At least, refusing to even remember the introduction seems too much like a petty power game for Ulfric, who, if he engages in power-games at all, likes them large-scale.

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On Esbern:


Considering that even Delphine thought Esbern was in all liklihood dead, it's fairly obvious that no one would know of him. The Thalmor just kept searching for him because they don't like loose ends.

If they'd found him dead in the ratway I'm sure they'd have been disappointed, no interrigation for a dead man.


Although I wouldn't put Necromancy past them to attempt to capture his soul for the same reason.


He's a researcher, a librarian not a field agent. Not the sort to be out and mingling with contacts and getting involved in the direct actions of any plots or schemes in motion. Not unless absolutely necessary anyway.

Obviously he has combat training, all Blades do - but still, his place would always have been out of sight in a room full of books, scrolls and plans.


As for Delphine herself:


There's a fair chance that when Ulfric started his rebellion that Delphine may have contacted him, maybe even a few times after. Either offering assistance/information or just to gauge his willingness to continue with his plans.

After being hunted for so long by the Thalmor - and by association perhaps the Imperial legion - finding someone she could call an ally that opposed the Thalmor as much as she did would have been an opportunity she couldn't pass up.


Especially if it meant that this ally could secure her a safehaven at some point if she required it.

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Delphine went into hiding after the Great War, due to the Blades being disbanded (what was left of them anyway, they never were that numerous, and you can fit a LOT of heads in a cart). At the time, Ulfric was a war hero rather than a traitor, and a very powerful individual with a known hatred of the Thalmor (even if, at the time, he seems to have been somewhat under their influence). He makes a good option on someone to turn to if you want to hide from the Dominion.


Delphine also indicates that she served in the Great War, in which Ulfric also fought. One of the last surviving Blades, who often served as bodyguards and officers, and the son of a Jarl of the most ancient Hold in Skyrim, are bound to run into each other at some point in the campaign.

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