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Looking for texture mods and glow effect removers


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I'm looking for two things:


1- a mod that improves the textures of armos and weapons. I've seen a few but they seem to run either with Better Bodies, which I don't particularly care for, or they cover only a few armors and weapons. Or they add stuff to the game beyond the textures, which again I do not want.


2- related to the first point, I want to get rid of the palstic wrap effect on enchanted items. I've tried Pluginless NoGlow, but it doesn't work.


I have all the expansions and official plug-in.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Those sounds just like what I need. Problem is, I usually download only stuff that is NMM compatibile because I suck at manually installing anything. Any chance someone can help me with that?

NMM really isn't recommended for anything other than Skyrim mods. Few Morrowind or Oblivion mods are packaged in a way that NMM can parse (I guess a single ESP and a readme will be possible).


You'll need to bite the bullet and read up on How to Install Morrowind Plug-ins

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Allright then, thank you.

At this point, should I also remove NMM from Morrowind and reinstall the few mods I have without it? Could they cause trouble in the future or it's ok for me to keep using NMM for mods that do work with it?

As there are some mods which work with NMM and it's something you're familiar with then why not keep using it?


When it comes to uninstalling mods things won't go as smoothly as if everything was NMM-compatible.


You could see what Wrye Mash and it's Installers feature (aka BAIN) is like. If you've used installers in Wrye Bash or Wrye Smash then you'll have an idea about it, although Morrowind's Wrye Mash hasn't had the love those two have received.

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