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How do we report articles?


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Hiyas! I was just browsing over the articles in the DA forums, and my understanding, is that those arent supposed to be used for requests. I came across one that is a mod request, and I was wondering how do we go about reporting the article, so that if it's inappropriate the staff can remove it?





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A PM to any moderator will work. I have a canned reply to those who cannot, or more likely don't bother, to read the bright red text just above the articles text box.

Article removed, author chastised.

Thanks for the heads up

Bbe46, Moderator

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aha! I see that little "Report comment" link now that it's been mentioned. :thumbsup:

LOL I never ever would have thought about reporting sitebot. But considering that it sends you fine folks a notice, it does indeed make sense now that it's mentioned. Much thanks for the tip Dark :thumbsup:


Much thanks Ben, as always, its much appreciated :thumbsup:

Hmmm well, I never thought that it would be such a common occurance that you'd need a prepared response. Then again, our DA part of the boards is probably a lot less active than the sections for the older more well-known games.



Oh! Also, I came across an error while trying to login from the little pop-up window. I clicked on "add a reply"; I wasnt logged in, so the window popped up for my user/pass. Instead of the link that is supposed to be there, there's an error code.

<form action="/modules/login/do_login.php?server=
Fatal error: Call to undefined function makesafe() in /home/dragon/public_html/modules/login/login_pop.php on line 14


As always, thanks so much for everything guys!

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