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Oblivion Crashes at random >:O


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Okay, still stuck at the beginning of the game regardless. Finally installed the Unofficial Patch v 2.20 and it fixed the idle guy at the beginning. Great! Now when the first fight of the game starts( The blades fight the assassins with Uriel Septum) As soon as Baurus takes the fist swing, the game crashes. I have no way around it. Ive tried running past them to a new area, not moving at all ( for it may have been a too fast of a pace for my laptop) and running back to the very beginning. Either way, the game crashes. Help?
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well we know you've been busy modding the game before you've ever played it . . .


so the obvious is that you have a mod interfering


or your hardware is not up to this


or you have a (probably sound) driver conflict.

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Make sure your game is patched to the recent version 1.20416. If this is the first time you have ever played oblivion-do it without any mods active except for the UOP until you reach the sewer exit! SAVE YOUR GAME BEFORE YOU LEAVE THE SEWER Do not use a quicksave!!! After this you can activate your custom race. Just activate the gate and You can change your Race,Class and Birthsign to whatever you want.
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Here is a link to Bben's Crash Help



And, a Link to Bben's Mod Advice



If you are not sure, Go here to see if your computer can run the game


You will find Oblivion listed as 'The Elder Scrolls IV, Oblivion

Fallout3 as Fallout3 PC



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Well, Ive tried almost everything. There are no sound drive conflicts, nothing running in background, and oblivion is up to date. Fonger may be right. I do think there is a mod conflict. Problem is, which one? I can't distigush which files are needed for oblivion to work and which ones are the mods. I have played oblivion with mods before, but my boyfriend put a poo load of mods on the game before I even got a chance to play it. ( Yes i'm on my boyfriends account :P) No he has no clue as to what mods he put on oblivion and i cant figure it out either. :confused:
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