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Links in the validation e-mail are (still) broken


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As you can probably tell, this is a brand new account, just got validated a few minutes ago.



Basically I ran into the same bug as described in this post:




The link to the validation page given in the e-mail, as appeared to me, is:


It should have read ...module=global&section=...


but the "&sect" got corrupted into "§"



The forum post I linked to was created two years ago. One would think that there has been more than enough time to fix this...

Edited by wohtp
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This seems to be an issue with certain mail-clients/providers changing the link in the email for some completely unknown reason. When looking at this issue in the past I've checked the sent email logs and the email is sent in the correct format, with the ampersand in place as it should be. It seems it gets changed on the mail-client/provider end which is something I/the server/the site has completely no control over at all.

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I just went through the Account Creation process to verify the "normal" case.


Here's what I received in the verification email:

http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?app=core&module=global&section=register&do=auto_validate&uid=<remainder of entry deleted for privacy>

As you can see, the Nexus is sending the correct information. As Dark0ne said, it's an mail client and/or ISP issue.

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  • 3 years later...

I just went through the Account Creation process to verify the "normal" case.


Here's what I received in the verification email:

http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?app=core&module=global&section=register&do=auto_validate&uid=<remainder of entry deleted for privacy>

As you can see, the Nexus is sending the correct information. As Dark0ne said, it's an mail client and/or ISP issue.

Thank you, without you posting this, I would not have been able to validate my registration!

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