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ENB not working(Crashes my Graphics Cards Drivers)


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So, when using an enb, my graphic drivers will crash and restart, making the screen in skyrim black. I can hear the sound form the main menu, but there is just a blanc´k black screen. I can Alt tab to get to desktop and close skyrim. This won't happen when i don't have enb in use(UseSpeedHackWithoutGraphics=true). I have tried it with only a vanilla skyrim(i use MO), without fake full screen, and i tried it without MSI afterburner closed. I haven't overclocked my card. My card is Club3d Radeon HD 7870ghz edition. I've also tries different drivers(Cat 14.4 & 14.7Beta).

Here are some other specs, but i think they are not involved in this problem in anyways. Jus to avoid the question :smile:

CPU AMD Athlon II X3 [email protected]

Motherboard Asus M5A78L-M LX

Ram Kingston valueram 1333mhz 4gb (x2)

PSU XFX 550w core edition

All help is apreciated.

Edited by laamanaator
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First...MSI afterburner (and anything with an overlay) is known to have issues with ENB. BUT it can be fixed. (see below)


Second....GPU driver crash can be from the ENB stressing it more then Vanilla, is the card overclocked? {not by you, but is the GHz edition an Overclock from factory?}


I do not know AMD any more, But if it is like Nvidia in that when MSI afterburner is running you also have in the TRAY another Icon -> Blue TV ->"Riva Turner Stats Server" Open that and you can try these settings....


Starts with windows = OFF

Show On-Screen display = OFF


Detection level = Medium

Stealth mode = ON

Custom Direct3d Support = OFF

On Screen display support = ON

On -Screen Display Rendering mode = Vector 2D <<<( if that is either one of the 3D settings = insta crash)

On Screen Display coordinate space = Frame Buffer <<<(if that is Viewport also Insta crash)

Show own stats = ON


With these settings I can run an ENB, and it WILL display the stats on screen.


Side note: Another cause of the driver crash (goes Blank screen) can be an overloaded Power supply, and the ENB is what pushes it to the breaking point. Have you stress tested the entire computer...OCCT is a good tool to use for that , even has a Power supply test.

Edited by camaro_69_327
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First...MSI afterburner (and anything with an overlay) is known to have issues with ENB. BUT it can be fixed. (see below)


Second....GPU driver crash can be from the ENB stressing it more then Vanilla, is the card overclocked? {not by you, but is the GHz edition an Overclock from factory?}


I do not know AMD any more, But if it is like Nvidia in that when MSI afterburner is running you also have in the TRAY another Icon -> Blue TV ->"Riva Turner Stats Server" Open that and you can try these settings....


Starts with windows = OFF

Show On-Screen display = OFF


Detection level = Medium

Stealth mode = ON

Custom Direct3d Support = OFF

On Screen display support = ON

On -Screen Display Rendering mode = Vector 2D <<<( if that is either one of the 3D settings = insta crash)

On Screen Display coordinate space = Frame Buffer <<<(if that is Viewport also Insta crash)

Show own stats = ON


With these settings I can run an ENB, and it WILL display the stats on screen.


Side note: Another cause of the driver crash (goes Blank screen) can be an overloaded Power supply, and the ENB is what pushes it to the breaking point. Have you stress tested the entire computer...OCCT is a good tool to use for that , even has a Power supply test.

The Ghz edition is just some AMD naming thingy, its not overclocked. And ofcourse i had a typo, i meant MSI AB closed, not the other way around, my bad. I don't think it's the psu, because i can run hours of furmark(Stres test with a hairy donut :smile: ) and that program is wayyy harder on any macine than an enb. And i don't have any blue tv icon anywhere. I have one thing in mind though. Could the steam overlay( The community thingy) have a bad side-effect on the enb?

But anyway, thanks for the reply.

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I have the same problem man.. I open skse, Skyrim symbol comes up normally, but instead of the menu options I get some weird colorful pixels in the left corner, and after that, "Amd display driver stopped responding and restored successfully" it goes on and on until I shut down Skyrim and It's incredibly frustrating.


Both injector and wrapper cause this s#*&#33;.

My card is sapphire radeon r9 290 tri-x.

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Sounds like your GPU is simply crashing due to overstress, your card is probably too weak for what you're trying to do with it.

It can't be because he has an R9 290, and that's something like GTX 780 in gpu power, and besides, in the startup, there is nothing but opening bethesda logo video, nothing stressfull. The problem wit Magicpig and me have to be a) something is seriously wrong within enb b) It's something to do with steam overlay( going to test that soon), or c) some other program(s) are messing up enb.

Edit: Tested disabling the steam overlay=no effect.

Edited by laamanaator
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yes, most things with an Overlay mess with starting Skyrim with ENB active...know causes...


Razer game booster.


MSI afterburner


Steam in-game overlay

Razer Synapse ( read it can cause issues ..but i have it and no problems?)


Just to name a few....not sure if it was Skype or some other software you talk with also....

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Just wanted to chime in and say this EXACT same problem is happening with me on my new 290X.


From the ENB page:


12 september 2014

AMD bugs not found yet and testing process is very slow, so i just remind that AMD users must download 0.262 version and don't even try 0.264 for their own good.

6 september 2014

AMD users have bugs with 0.264, so i put back 0.262 to downloads until this will be found and fixed.




You can go up to 262 apparently, I will test 262 and tell you if it works.


EDIT: v0.262 works perfectly. Try that.

Edited by cerebii
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