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Elderscrolls v surprise at E3??


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Hey guess what the Elderscrolls 5 may be closer then you think, its been announced that its going to be at E3, that means its on its way??.


Found at this source, randomly searching the net :teehee: :teehee: :mellow: .


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Who knows what they will show; some believe Its the long awaited Half life 2 episode three (WHICH NEEDS TO ARRIVE ALREADY!!!!!!), Halflife 3, recently the Elderscrolls V, and some weird belief in an upgraded Gmod, but of course why would that be exciting news?
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The surprise with TES5 will be that it is a FREE MMO and all the NPCs are like Imperial Guard (non-lootable) and to acquire any weapons or armor, you have to use real money via micro-transactions. Ha!
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thats not funny LHammonds :sweat: i hate all games like that damn you payplay when that day comes i will give up games online full stop and only play consoles........ on a plus side E3 is looking great the best it has been for years, mark my words the end of 2010 and 2011 are going to be great for gamers
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I think Bethesda is just enjoying whipping all of us into a frenzy of anticipation. I still go with my idea they're going with Rogue Warrior 2 just to annoy the crap out of us.
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