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Can't take screenshots.


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Hey everyone,


So I can't take any screenshots. Edited both the file under my games, and the one in the oblivion folder.


Anyone know what's wrong?

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You need to open your Oblivion.ini file via Notepad, which is found in your [username]\My Documents\my games\oblivion folder, and change the value of "bAllowScreenShot" to 1.


Afterwards, the Print Screen key should allow you to take pictures.

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I'm having the same problem. I have changed the value on bAllowScreenShot from 0 to 1 on both the setting document in my My Games/Bethesda/Oblivion folder and the main folder I start the game from and have all my mods in. Though because I run Vista Home the main file is in C:/users/public/games/bethesda softworks/Oblivion But the files being there haven't interfered with anything else so I amuse that isn't the issue.


I have also tried to take the screen capture with Anti Aliasing both on and off and neither setting worked.


I have made sure my computer simply didn't put the image in the clip board because I have gone into paint and tried to paste but there wasn't anything there. And I know screen capture works out of the game because I have tested it while in paint, just to make sure.


I have also made sure that all hidden files are shown through the system preferences.


I can't think of anything else to try nor have I been able to find anything online to give a further explanation for what I should or should not be doing. Though THIS web sight and the page it is on now told me exactly what all the settings code meant.


What am I doing wrong?!

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As I stated above, I have already edited the files.


Used to work before, but after I reinstalled, it didn't work. Tried to reinstall again, but still didn't work.


I'll try that fraps thing out, thanks.

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  • 1 year later...
I'm having the same problem, edited the files to allow screenshots, my game isn't installed in the Program Files folder, anti aliasing off and no luck, no screenshot is ever taken. Also Fraps makes the game crash quite quickly after starting up. I've also tried running the game from Mod manager using obse and also without obse using the normal launcher. Nothing works, I've tried running as Administrator and no luck. I'm on Windows 7 by the way, I know Oblivion is an old game but I never played it on release and only discovered it after getting into Fallout 3. With Skyrim due soon I thought I'd give Oblivion a go, what a game! Just no screenshots!
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