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Navmesh question


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If you're talking about the ladders that are set at a 45 degree angle, then yes, they need to be navmeshed. The easiest way is to navmesh by hand, from the base of the ladder to the top to connect with the navmesh at the top level. Just navmesh it the same way you would for stairs.


If you're trying to have npc's use a ladder that goes stright up/down, like the ones attached to a trap door, they will not climb those ladders, you can only make them teleport, since those work as load doors, & not really like ladders.

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I am fairly new to modding myself but I don't think it would work the way you described. The navmesh needs to be congruent (connected) at all time in order for an NPC to use it. That doesn't mean it can't be done but I would think you would have to do some advanced scripting to get this to work correctly.


Hopefully someone will be able to give you some details.

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The npc's don't actually walk on top of the navmesh. It just tells them that this is an area they can move around in, but they still need something to walk on that has collision. So, if you had the navmesh for the ladder, & made it so the ladder wasn't always there, the npc's may still walk around the area underneath where the ladder was.

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