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I'll need to see more context first.

Alright. Well this is the quest summary (a little changed since then, but that's the basic idea):


Disrupted Service (Author: Matthiaswagg)

This is the one I'm working on right now, so if you have any suggestions, make them quickly!

On the road from Markarth to Windhelm (a long road, I know - probably around where Ivarstead is), you find the dead body of a courier. On him is a large package, as well as a note from the courier service he was working for saying where he needs to deliver the package. It doesn't say the contents. You can choose to open it immediately, and fail the quest, gaining the item inside (a custom mesh/texture cutlass, if possible - I might use this mod if I can't have somebody make one, as well as a unique meshed and textured Elven Shield), or you can decide to deliver the package to the original owner, a renowned Dunmer ship captain named Saerileth Rae. Despite being a Dark Elf, he had worked years to become one of the best ship captains around, so he was well-known and respected even in Windhelm, even though some hated him. Should you decide to deliver the package, you are met at the entrance to Windhelm by a teenage boy. He says he's been paid money to tell you to meet Saerileth Rae at a different location (Candlehearth Hall) than the one written on the note. Then he runs off. You can either choose to go to the man in Candlehearth Hall and deliver the package, where he will pay you 200 gold, or you can go to the original meeting location, the New Gnisis Cornerclub. There is another Dunmer there, and you can ask him about the other man or just give him the package. If you ask about the other man, he explains that he is an imposter who has stolen all his property, including his ship. (How? Basically, he says the imposter drugged him and had him thrown in prison for a while, then assumed his place after getting facial surgery from the woman in Riften. When he came back, the original wasn't recognized by anyone since his ship's crew had been disbanded, and no one believed his story.) He thanks you for bringing him the package, and asks you to give it to him. You can say no and go to the other Saerileth Rae, who says the other guy is just a beggar who has illusions of grandeur, and then gives you the same reward he would have otherwise. Or, you can agree to help the one who claims he is the original, and help him reveal Saerileth as an imposter. This involves stealing the deed from the supposed fake, via pickpocketing, brawling or speech/bribe, going to a forger, verifying the deed is forged, bringing the deed to a guard, and having the forger tell the guard that the deed is forged. Then, the original is reinstated, gets all his properties back, and the imposter is thrown in jail. The original decides to get away from Windhelm for a bit, and sail off. Before he does, he rewards you with almost 2000 gold, as well as your choice between the shield in the package, or the sword (cutlass).

Note: Saerileth Rae changed to Bradas Aralas. The original Bradas was actually shipwrecked, and the only one to survive the wreck. The other Dunmer heard tell of this (Bradas was quite respected), and assumed his position at Windhelm, thinking the original was dead. So same major plot changes, but not too bad.


That line in particular is from a scene near the end of the quest, where Benkkvir shows the evidence to the steward, and the steward tells him he can go and arrest the imposter (that bits shortened for brevity here, but that's the general idea). He goes to the imposter, who says the line in blue. Then Benkkvir says the line in green, and the imposter refuses to go. Then Benkkvir threatens to kill him and so the imposter comes with him (again, shortened for brevity's sake).

Edited by Matthiaswagg
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Very well. Here's how I would make the arrest scene dialogue.


Imposter: Wait! You!


Guard: That's right. Now are you coming along quietly?


Imposter: I'm not who you think I am! I'm Bradas Aralas, a ship captain from Windhelm!


Guard: Yeah, yeah. I suppose you can peel off your face too. Last chance. Come quietly, or we'll see how well you impersonate a dead body!


Imposter: Very well.

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Very well. Here's how I would make the arrest scene dialogue.


Imposter: Wait! You!


Guard: That's right. Now are you coming along quietly?


Imposter: I'm not who you think I am! I'm Bradas Aralas, a ship captain from Windhelm!


Guard: Yeah, yeah. I suppose you can peel off your face too. Last chance. Come quietly, or we'll see how well you impersonate a dead body!


Imposter: Very well.

But the imposter has no idea the guard is coming to arrest him. The guard just sort of hates him and will occasionally bother him, so he thinks it's about that again.

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Got two three letters I'd like you to overview.


The first is supposed to be "Papers of Identity". Since the person came from Morrowind, it's like a citizenship validation.


The second is a letter from an authority on forgery, claiming the first Papers of Identity was forged. This is supposed to be very official, mostly because the "authority on forgery" used to be a criminal and enjoys messing around, so he wrote it incredibly officially.


The third is the original Papers of Identity, but marked up because the Authority on Forgery was showing why it was faked. So I'd just like your input on these:


Authority on Forgery's Letter:


I, Elberick Geveorik, would like to contest the validity of Bradas Aralas' identity papers.


After studying the papers, taken directly from Bradas Aralas, I have marked the numerous locations within the identity papers where the fraudulent criminal posing as Bradas Aralas failed to follow the proper regulations (for papers of identity).


It was clearly a shoddily done forgery. Used in tandem with less concrete evidence of identity theft - such as a complete personality change, disregard (and no acknowledgement) of close friends, the complete lack of change to appearance after being supposedly shipwrecked, and one Dunmer man named Bradas Aralas currently living in the New Gnisis Cornerclub who is in possession of, and owns, the real papers of identity - it should be enough to expose this "Bradas Aralas" for the identity thief, criminal, and absolute idiot he is.



Elberick Geveorik


Papers of Identity (Forged):


Name: Bradas Aralas

Race: Dunmer

Gender: Male

Birth place: Morrowind


Relations: None


Papers of Identity (Forged, Gone Over by Authority on Forgery):


Name: Bradas Aralas

Race: Dunmer

-- Should be Dunmer (Dark Elf), according to regulations

Gender: Male

-- Prefixed with Sex, not Gender

Birth place: Morrowind

-- Region of Origin, NOT Birth place as written

Relations: None

-- Bradas Aralas had a wife, by the name of Alea Aralas, who is now deceased



-- Missing Occupation (Ship Captain)

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