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Spontaneus Human Combustion


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Since this kind of thing has only started happening recently, maybe it suggests that its a byproduct of pollution or radiation, or something of the sort. :huh: I don't really know much about it, however.

Well, do we really trust records from too far back? Much less explained scientifically times - etc, less thorough crime scene investigations?


Just a thought. :P

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Well its not really a recent phenomenon. There are cases of human combustion dating back decades, if not longer. The only explanation I ever heard that made any sense to me was somehow the molecules get agitated or excited and start vibrating, causing extreme heat. As to why they can combust and burn completely up with little or no damage to their surroundings is beyond me.
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Well heres a theory, the human body at normal is at 98 ferinheiht, not really hot actualy but it takes energy to produce heat, there are electical currents that run through our brains and all our nerves all though none of them are ever active all at one time, what if they were? how much electical energy (heat) would be produced? and the excited molocule thing is also verry interesting, alas since there are so few cases of this we may never truly know.


Eh what am I saying, its the aliens there responible for every weird thing that happens...like when I wake up and my pants are off.

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Well I meant recent as in pre-industrial rev. it was never even heard of.

Indeed, as I said before, any occurances of this wouldn't have been put down to this, people would have found some other explanation that sounded likely to them and science at that time couldn't disprove. Who knows, maybe this got some woman burnt alive for witchery sometime, this happening and someone being blamed for it...


Point is - before we learn of the possiblity of somethings existance we won't connect the dots like that, they'll find some other explanation or just don't find one at all... :P

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i think that it is crazy, that would really suck to spontaneously combust,...i remember reading something about unsolved misteries when i was a little kid, like when i was like 7-8 and they had spontaneous combustion in it....that book like freaked me out for a couple days, then i kinda forgot about it.... i think this is one of those things that we will never be quite sure what causes it to happen....but anyways, the first thing that came to mind when i saw this topic:



A decade ago

I never thought I would be

At twenty three

On the verge of spontaneous combustion


But I guess that it comes With the territory

An ominous landscape of never ending calamity

I need you to hear

I need you to see

That I have had all I can take

And exploding seems like

A definite possibility to me


So pardon me while I burst into flames

I've had enough of the world

And it's people's mindless games

So pardon me while I burn

And rise above the flame

Pardon me, pardon me

I'll never be the same


Not two days ago

I was having a look

In a book and I saw a picture of a guy fried up above his knees

I said, "I can relate,"

Cause' lately I've been thinking of combustication as a welcomed vacation from

The burdens of the planet earth

Like gravity, hypocrisy, and the perils of being in 3-D

And thinking so much differently


So pardon me while I burst into flames

I've had enough of the world

And it's people's mindless games

So pardon me while I burn

And rise above the flame

Pardon me, pardon me

I'll never be the same

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In almost all of the documented cases the autopsy to what´s left of the body reveals that the fire came from the inside!:blink:

This made me think - does anyone know if someone has investigated whether it could have been caused by some sort of rare chemical reaction due to something the victims ate or drank?

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