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Oblivion opinions, thoughts and Qs


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Hi, I recently aquired my frist Copy of Oblivion, tho should of grabbed it when it first came out.


Ill be quick with this. I just like to say WOW. What a Lush, fertile Would... a far cry from the Capital Wasteland Im used to (im Originally a Fallout 3 Player, well still am but might have trouble finding time to play the two now) Green, Brown, White with a touch of Fire n Brimstone... what a land.


Anyways what I found Out that its VERY under-populated for a Vast land and the towns them self are Poorly Guarded.


Sure the Town Guards are difficult to kill, but there is not exactly many of them is there? Should have a few more patrols on the outside of the Towns. Mentioning Patrols., those legion Dudes with the "THis IS Sparta!" 300 Helmets on horseback, ya see about on the roads sometimes are all by thier lonesome! One dude in the middle of nowhere. Shouldnt there be atleast 4 of them? One of Horse back and 4 following him on foot? 2 with swordsn shields and 1 of each of an archer and a 2 handed Melee etc.


anyways is tehre any mods that enhance patrols, Town Guards or even the Factions themselfs, as in make them more numerous? if so point me in The right Direction! or atlease leave me a link.




Zombie. Still need to complete the game yet..

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Glad to see FO3 introducing yet another to TES.


If you think about it, in this sort of setting the lands would be mostly unpopulated anyway and that's a good thing because the OB engine is not nearly as optimized as FO3 for a large number of NPC to occupy one cell. If you have a really good computer though you can increase the default number quite a bit.


Looking for different kinds of mods? Start with the top 100 at TES Nexus. When doing the same for FO3 I started with all-time endorsements for all files and then moved on to all-time downloads for all files. After that I did all time endorsements for each category.


If your looking for something specific you can usually find it by doing an advanced search in descriptions.

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Thanks a bunch. My Cpu can play fallout 3 at the highest settings and can have upto 110 npcs on it at once with moderate lagging when in combat. And when I play Oblivion, gameplay is flawless. So i guess I can have quite an Army following me when it comes to followers (: Im planning on Conqouring Tameriil I think.


Ill try a search on Crouded Cities and the like Plus more guards. Im currently trying out my forst batch of mods too witch I flippin chose well. Im not looking for Bikini clad femme fetals either as tho they being well made, not in the frame of mind for it xD. Got enough of that stuff on fallout.


Anyways Im already planning my own Mod on Oblivion tho could prove a problem. Already I tried out a few Mods that thier own custom voice acting, the lips are moving but no speech is coming thru.


Anyways Cheers!

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I've allways been thinking just the same, Crowded roads and cities is fine, but you still dont see horsecarts travelling from town to town with supplies, bandit raids attacking small settlements and villages, and honestly, for a forrest that big - there is nearly no wildlife.

MMM isnt quite my thing with all those weird monsters and poo, so thats not a solution - I might consider making a simple mod that fills up the forrests and roads even more than Crowded roads do, but right now, I'm only able to do it by hand, which would take forever..

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Hmm I could have a go too, Got the Obiv Modding Construction kit and looked it over and its Very familiar and Similar to the GECK if not simpler, tho still trying to get over the NPC trait deals as thats complex enough. Adding NPCs to the world is simple in it own right but adding AI packages, I cant seem to find out how to do that.


Sould be a walk in the park for adding much more NPcs on the roads and cities as cpus are stronger now, i know mine is as It handles Fo3 quite well on full specs etc.


Ill have a gander about too.


Oh any Mods I should check out? e.g armors, weps, body replacers, game effects and addons?

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