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  Dark0ne said:
Deal with your delusional assumptions or simply leave, those are your two options. There is no third "whine about things until I get my way" option. Continuing to whine about the things you don't like is only going to get you removed forcefully, at which point you will not even be able to download files from the site.


We've been more than patient with you. Now is the time for you to decide.

:ohmy: So exactly what am I allowed to do and not allowed to do. I read the tes source laws and the main things it says not to do is spam, flame, and use tes source for you own ends. I have never flamed, spamed, and only once used tes source for my own ends. What exactly do you want me to stop doing. If it is within reason, I will listen and obey and in what way am i delusional?

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  Dark0ne said:
Deal with your delusional assumptions or simply leave, those are your two options. There is no third "whine about things until I get my way" option. Continuing to whine about the things you don't like is only going to get you removed forcefully, at which point you will not even be able to download files from the site.


We've been more than patient with you. Now is the time for you to decide.



posting a response like that is, well, practicly agreeing with cyronarxes.

which is pretty bad

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What, we discriminate with who we punish now? What other things are you going to start throwing around cyro? That we're somehow racist? :P


I do my best to enforce the rules as do the other moderators. I can only use my own judgement and go by the rules listed here in an attempt at keeping some semblance of order to the place. If someone with 1494 posts calls someone an idiot I'll still punish them the same as I would someone with 5 posts. Just look at Peregrine - he's been here practically as long as I have and I still give him a hard time when he flames people as does Dark0ne. I volunteer some of my own free time each day to dealing with troublemakers here and I don't really appreciate it when people start throwing around untrue accusations of hypocrisy.


Dark0ne in the end is the owner of these forums. If you antagonise him then it's up to him whether he wants to ban you or not. He does pay for this place after all (and no small amount either with the bandwidth guzzled every day). It's not really your place to whine and throw around accusations (which if you really look I think you'll find aren't true) when you get to use this place for free. If you don't like how we do things you can always leave.

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  Bornor said:
I cant believe people always are getting told to be nice against each other on a forum.. How old are they?

It's not a matter of age unfortunately, but a matter of how they're allowed to do whatever they want other places and suddenly have a problem returning to an environment that requires some civility toward others. It's a simple matter of "treat others as you, yourself, would want to be treated". You disrespect others and others will disrespect you. You treat them with a minimum level of respect, and usually they'll return the favor.


Often, it's just that simple, in both life and online. Only now and then will you get an turkey who just refuses to cooperate and takes it upon themselves to give you grief for even trying.

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Agreed my nephew is so much more intelligent and polite than the majority of teens my own age (not scientific fact just an observation)


My earlier post as shakespeare would put it;

A lot of truth is said in jest


EDIT: shouldn't really post here, I'll probably be accused of post farming or something :unsure:

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