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How do I enable a quest by sleeping in the Oblivion Construction Set?

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scn YourQuestscript

short questtrigger
float fQuestDelayTime

Begin MenuMode 1012
if GetStage QuestID < 10
	if IsPCSleeping == 1
		if questtrigger == 1
			set questtrigger to 2

Begin GameMode
if GetStage QuestID < 10
	if questtrigger == 0
		set fQuestDelayTime to 0.5
		set questrigger to 1
	elseif questtrigger == 2
		setstage QuestID 10
		set fQuestDelayTime to 5
		set questrigger to 2


Put this inside a questscript and assign it to your quest. Change the QuestID to the one of your own. As it's common to start at 10, I put in 10 as the first stage. A simple explanation. It'll check if the player is sleeping, set a variable and change the stage when you wake up. It can also be done before that, but then it'll trigger the journal update while you're asleep..which is less surprising.The questdelaytime is there as quests are only checked every 5 seconds and you have to be lucky it's checked when the player takes a short amount of sleep. If it's still not updating within an hour sleep, change the 0.5 to 0.1.

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begin menumode 1012

if hasslept == 1




set hasslept to 1



That will set hasslept to 1 after the player has slept and run whatever replaces ...

Oblivion counts wait and sleep menus as the same thing, so it will trigger on a wait too. I can't remember if it's possible to differentiate the two.


The rest depends on what you want to do with it

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