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Warrior-Type Class with Restoration


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Been playing a Warrior-type class for a little while (Level 16, with Realistic Leveling mod enabled) who happens to have Restoration as well as Illusion.



Favored Attributes are Strength and Endurance.


Restoration seems nice (especially spells that restore Fatigue when I need it), but I don't have much magicka at all really. Just 84. Every Restoration spell that's half-decent costs way too much to even be worth it. I have almost 400 HP, so a cost of 52 Magicka to heal me for 25 HP ... sucks. I realize that getting my Restoration to 100 would help out with the costs, but that's not going to happen for a while. I figured Restoration would be useful while I was leveling, not be only useful at the end of the journey.


Or are HP-restoring spells just not supposed to be useful in this game for a Warrior? I'm not asking for the ability to spam heals on myself...but maybe one or two effective heal would be nice in tight situations. I guess what I'm trying to ask is ... how can I make Restoration effective with my class?

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A few points:


1. The better your restoration skill, the less magicka required to cast a particular spell so keep at it!


2. Invest some points in intelligence to boost your magicka pool. Alchemy is a fast way to get that 5 point bonus.


3. Spells with a small effect but long duration cost much less to cast than big instant effects. You would have to create these yourself. There is at least one mod that adds spellmaking and enchanting services to Mages-Guild members -'Classic Enchanting and Spellcrafting mod 1.0' by Hazard. This would avoid having to gain access to the Arcane University.

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A few points:


1. The better your restoration skill, the less magicka required to cast a particular spell so keep at it!


2. Invest some points in intelligence to boost your magicka pool. Alchemy is a fast way to get that 5 point bonus.


3. Spells with a small effect but long duration cost much less to cast than big instant effects. You would have to create these yourself. There is at least one mod that adds spellmaking and enchanting services to Mages-Guild members -'Classic Enchanting and Spellcrafting mod 1.0' by Hazard. This would avoid having to gain access to the Arcane University.


I use the Realistic Leveling mod, so the "5 Point Bonus" is irrelevant to me. I just want to know if I was wasting my time or not with Restoration as a Combat character. Thanks for the suggestions in #3...I'll check it out.

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I just started a mage-warrior char but even so healing spells consume a waste amount of my mana. 3 healing spells get me full health and drain all my mana.I didn't even went for constitution! So I guess instant healing spells aren't meant to be used by anybody, pure warriors lack the mana to cast 2 of them, pure mages could spam them but a lowlevel one restores their health completely...and my mix is focusing at illusion now after seeing the problem with restoration spells, a instant one drains too much mana and healing over time is useless until you use "hit and run".
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Restoration CAN help even if it's not your primary skill, especially if when using Supreme Magicka, if spell requires higher magicka, faster you skill grow. I'm playing warrior characters since I heard of Oblivion, so *I know* what I'm talking about. :biggrin:
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There's more to Restoration than healing. 'Absorb health' either as a touch spell or, for you warrior types as an enchantment, is very useful. As is 'Absorb magicka' but only as an enchantment.


As to the mana costs involved there is potions, welkynd stones, 'absorb spell' (enchantment or potion), investment in willpower and intelligence etc. Boost magicka with potions before battle, wear magicka boosting enchantments. It's doable.

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Well your somewhat right...but still I don't think of restoration as really usefull in the end, as I would need poitions for magicka(just take healing potions?!) or use magicka/intelligence armor (shield is more usefull). If I want damage I take my sword or destruction spells, if I have to heal myself I use potions or get out of combat with illusion spells. Restoration is only used for slowly killing an enemy or rats and the likes by me. Hm...when I think about it: cast heal *3-10 points what do I know* for *long duration* (low magicka costs) and then use "invisibility" to hide for the time being (maybe run around a corner with 10 sec. spell). That would certainly work but I hate hit and run/hide. Even my assasins and thiefs don't do that. It's either "Hit and kill" or "RUN!".
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i think that you haven't made a mistake with your character being a warrior class with restoration.I mean restoration can be very usefull.Not only you can use restoration for healing your self but you can also cure yourself.Just keep going and eventualy you will rach the rank your magic will be over 250,you will have intelligence at least 65,and healing spells could heal you over 70 hp with small mana sacrefise.Also you can try to boost your mana or intelligence with rings amulets and other clutter enchanted.Try those Oblivion gates,it could take some time,but.......... :happy:

And of course you can always sleep if nothing works :laugh:

Ooohh by the way is your warior perhaps Crusader class???? :thumbsup:

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I would have thought you would have been better with alchemy: you can make money, still restore your attributes, have every other magic ability at your disposal (to some extent) AND potion spam to heal yourself. Then again, your game. (You don't even need magicka with alchemy...just realised...)
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