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General advice on modding a fresh install ... how often to test, plus, 1k, 2k or 4k textures?


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Hi all,


I'm thinking of uninstalling my current (more or less) stable game & reinstalling with Sky redone.


I remember from installing my current mods a few of them had options for if Skyre was installed, so as I'm also planning on toning down some graphics for a smoother/more stable game I think just uninstalling Skyrim then downloading it from steam & starting over would be best.


I've done that twice before due to a couple of disasters - the best of which was installing 100 mods from a list of top 100 mods via steam then trying to start a game, no testing involved - it's a wonder I even got that game to load I think :)


Anyway, first question ... installing mods, how frequently should I test the game works by loading a save with new mods on, running about in Skryim for 5 mins, checking the mod works?


When I installed my current working game, I did it after every 3 or so. This time round, it'll be pretty much the same mods I've used before. Do you think I could get away with installing more at once without testing?


Second question, some mods I see have options for 1k, 2k & 4k textures. My monitor does 1920 x 1080 resolution. If I swap down to 1k textures where possible will the difference be noticeable?







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First, what kind of video card do you have, if you only have 2 gigs memory, then 4K textures won't work for you, in fact, if you have 4 gigs of memory I personally would only go as far as using 2K textures


2) what programs are you using to check and verify your load order, I use this procedure below:


When ever i install mods and start a new game i do it in this order below:


1) install every mod I am going to use

2) run loot

3) run wrye bash and correct load order

4) run TES5EDIT and verify load order


I run 151 mods + several Fomods / packages and all i have is a crappy 6450 2 gig GPU. I get 33 FPS outside and 55-60 inside :)


If you use all 3 programs like I listed above, you will have a much more STABLE mod setup and far less problems during your play through


AND yes, I use SKYre ( Skyrim Redone ) and the Reproccer :) see below for the correct load order when using SKYre and the Reproccer according to Gopher :)




Let me know if you need anymore help :)

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Thanks for the reply & the list, I'm using an R9 290 GPU with 4GB of VRAM.


Installing mods, I use NMM mostly (well, apart from those few that demand manual install, like UNP), then use Loot to order them, TesEdit to clean them, & Wyrebash to create/update the bashed patch after each new addition.


Forgot to mention, I also use Realvision ENB ... do you manage to run your game with those mods & an ENB. & avoid ctds entirely?

Edited by Eyam3
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