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Can I use the mods here on my PS3?

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Hello, i'm new here and I've been playing oblivion on my 360 since its launch. I just recently got the game for my PS3 and was wondering if I could use an external drive to transfer my PS3 oblivion save file over to my PC and be able to put mods downloaded from here into my save file so that I can use some of them in my game saves. I've already modded some of my other save files from the PS3 on RPGs like borderlands so I was wondering if there was a slim hope that I could do the same here...


Mainly, I was wondering about the face/hair armor/weapon mods specifically.

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As far as I know there is no way to do it. One reason is the EULA for both consoles which make it illegal. My knowledge on the subject is limited, but I can tell you one thing. Vanilla TES:OB became lame with the first mod I installed for my PC edition.
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As far as I know there is no way to do it. One reason is the EULA for both consoles which make it illegal. My knowledge on the subject is limited, but I can tell you one thing. Vanilla TES:OB became lame with the first mod I installed for my PC edition.


Darn... That really sucks :( so it's not so much a "the files don't exist to do it" so much as, it's legallity stuff and all that B.S. ;(


Man, some of those hairstyles/dungeons/armor look freakin' sweet.


plus with my crappy 6 year old computer there's no way i'd be able to play TES on it ;( oh well i Guess i'm sticking with vanilla.

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Darn... That really sucks :( so it's not so much a "the files don't exist to do it" so much as, it's legallity stuff and all that B.S. ;(


Man, some of those hairstyles/dungeons/armor look freakin' sweet.


plus with my crappy 6 year old computer there's no way i'd be able to play TES on it ;( oh well i Guess i'm sticking with vanilla.


There are a bunch of mods and utilities that help with performance. One mod called streamline actively changes settings to give you optimum performance or the best it can with your rig. There are other ones that can shorten grass, and do a number of different things to lower settings without trying to destroy game play.

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