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simple home quest with a twist


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I've been toying with the idea of a player's home near Rockoplolis.

While you're scouting the area to find Vault 112 you come across a note and key possibly. You find a gated cave wide enough for a car to drive down, the cave needs to be secluded and somewhat hard to find, the key unlocks the gate, the note was for a caravan contact for help.

you navigate the cave and find a car with a camper attached to it yet, camper door is still on (interior of camper seperate cell)

The story is that a young couple on their honeymoon saw the bombs fall and drove into the caves for safety, they passed the family 'home" to their child, and so on.

You meet the great great grand son of the original couple. He is ill, his wife has just passed, and he feels that he has failed his family for not having an heir to continue the name.

He would like the PC to escort him to vault 112. He has always tried to make the wasteland a better place, and had heard about the Robobrains in the wastes and Vaults and wants to be turned into one to continue to help make the wasteland better, he's old and frail and feels this is his only chance. In exchange he'll give the PC the passcode to his home upon reaching the vault.

The camper is setup with stove, frig, food, workbench, holoprojector, library of books and holotapes, lab, and infirmary. Ofcourse a bed, couch, Ham radio, and radio. All compact sized to fit in a somewhat larger camper.

The exterior of the camper could have the workbench, an underground stream, fire pit with spit (like at Eulogy's pad)

I suck at the GECK and only get in it to find form id's to use with Feng Shui,

What do you guys think?

Can someone do it?

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