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I like the kudos system, giving us a feeling of achievement and once you've gotten one you'll be thrilled and motivated to get another one. Sneaky way of making us (most of us anyway) behave, but what I don't get is why I can't see who have given me a kudos. Is there any particular reason for that? One reason, I guess, would be that once a person have given you a kudos you'll just ignore the poop out of his help requests in the future since theres nothing "in it" for you. Is that it?


Say, I posted like, a bazillion posts one day and the next I see I have one more kudos number than before. Now I'd wonder who gave me one and for what post (so I can know what kind of posts people like thus I'll post more like that). Was it the mindless rant on how much of a charismatic stallion I am, or was it the helpful, detailed thesis on how to succesfully make a mod work? I will never know... :sad:

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I like the kudos system, giving us a feeling of achievement and once you've gotten one you'll be thrilled and motivated to get another one. Sneaky way of making us (most of us anyway) behave, but what I don't get is why I can't see who have given me a kudos. Is there any particular reason for that? One reason, I guess, would be that once a person have given you a kudos you'll just ignore the poop out of his help requests in the future since theres nothing "in it" for you. Is that it?


Say, I posted like, a bazillion posts one day and the next I see I have one more kudos number than before. Now I'd wonder who gave me one and for what post (so I can know what kind of posts people like thus I'll post more like that). Was it the mindless rant on how much of a charismatic stallion I am, or was it the helpful, detailed thesis on how to succesfully make a mod work? I will never know... :sad:


Could it be your sunny disposition? :blink:

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I agree with your guess - some wouldn't help a second time.

This here is not a community of angels and do-gooders but rather a reflection of the shiny dirty world.

And for myself, I think I would go the same way if I've had to work hard for the first help and the answer is just a poor "thank you".

On the other hand; I would continue to help after the kudos indipendent from the fact that "there's nothing more to earn" so the first reaction to my help is determining.


About mod, well the comments should be enough to see what other members like or what they don't like imo.


What I'd like to have is... why not, hmm let me say... 3 special kudos for every new year?

It's a pitty and sometimes annoying that I can't give a kudos to someone who has done a great job cause I've already given this one a kudos.




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What I'd like to have is... why not, hmm let me say... 3 special kudos for every new year?

It's a pitty and sometimes annoying that I can't give a kudos to someone who has done a great job cause I've already given this one a kudos.





Instead of giving him/her another kudos, write a nice PM and say thanks if you realy feel that you need to show more apreciation to that person. Honestly some nice words every once in a while are worth more than 1000 kudos. :thumbsup:

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Nice try ;] but it's not the same.

To give someone only 1 kudos and then never until the end (of my digital life here)- it's like to give someone 1 present for christmas and then never again.

As I've said - nice try Dark0ne :].

@Pushkatu nice words too, but seriously; would you give all your received kudos for "some nice words every once in a while". Think about it.




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If you only help because you feel you should get a kudo, you are doing it for the wrong reason. Do it because you genuinely want to help and the kudos will come.
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It sparks the usual "I'll give you one if you give me one" twerps going trigger happy with kudos among their peer groups and demeaning the whole system.


Ah, that simple... Never thought of it like that, but now that you mention it that would probably be what would've happen...


Leave a comment on their profile page on the forums if you want to publically thank them.


That does sound better than giving them another kudos. Specially if they have tons of kudos for being awesome already. I'll keep that in mind when I stumble over someone who's worthy of that.


If you only help because you feel you should get a kudo, you are doing it for the wrong reason. Do it because you genuinely want to help and the kudos will come.


I hope you're not aiming at me, I generally like to help people if I can. While the goal of getting another kudos is present, I'll still help them if I can even if I don't get the kudos.


I've even helped people after having recieved a kudos from them. I'm just saying there may be some whos prime goal is to get the most kudos' possible.

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