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For mages


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While I like the idea, how do you suggest you hold it? You could use the vanilla NPC reading animation, but you would look rather stupid wandering into battle with your head bowed, furiously studying your book as an enemy hacks away at your head.
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I think that if you had it so that the book was in the reading position but the head was up, possibly occasionally glancing down that would be neat. Oh maybe the head could go down to study a spell right before casting it.
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I think it would be really easy to simply make a book model, texture it, equip it as a shield, then slightly alter the spell casting animation to make the head look down slightly upon casting a spell. That would probably be the easiest way of doing it.
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  • 8 months later...

Seems I'm not the only one who had this idea in my mind.

To give better references have a look at Fire Emblem: Radiant dawn

There several mage characters and picture reference.

1. The box cover you will see micaiah

2. Micaiah

3 Illayne (illayne this how you spell it)


There are a few vids to see how they use it in combat. If this is added would be awesome.

Granted there is a mod where one wears a book on the player’s belt. Only it has way too many chains and wrapped around the player waist which holds the book making it unrealistic.

But at least it's something.

If link is needed I'll dig for it if asked.

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There are few people who have the skill to change animations. Perhaps the idea could be simplified to just having a shield that looks like an open book and having it positioned so that the left hand is holding it properly. There are quite a few modelers who make shields.
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Good idea, I'm able to make both animations, models and textures (Got 2 mod's at tesnexus if someone would like to see...) - I'm at a break from school from now and a week ahead, so I would be able to make this.... Although; Are we able to use specific animation for a weapon? Otherwise I don't think this mod is such a good idea :P
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