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World cup predictions


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I much preffer american football, but from a layman's perspective I think it could well be germany or one of the local teams.


Just because they arent world famous doesnt mean they cant kick a ball, or a big named team's ass. And they're hungry to win and impress. I have been very impressed by ghana, ivory coast, and quite a few other local teams for what they've been able to do without resorting to paying their players more money than is in their country's treasury, its one thing to see an underdog win, its quite another to see an underdog win when said undersog is from an appaulingly poor country almost nobody has ever heard of.


As for the others, I think the opposite, germany stands a good chance of winning because since when has germany ever lost a world championship at anything, other than that I think australia, england, america and quite a few other multi bajillion dollar franchises would have better scores if they used their players salary as coach and team; ghana is a strong team but considering how much money the australian government wastes on sport they should really have been able to do better than they did, the same for the others.


But on the whole Im still wondering why this has a world championship and not american football; american football is much more interesting-someday they might actualy score a touchdown/fieldgoal, whereas in soccer they run around for 90 minutes and fall over a lot.

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Well, With both the Defending Champion and The Runner up Knocked out, I paraphrase what is Called: National Disaster.


I hate to see the Look on Lippi and Domenech's faces when they return, seems like wind blew right at the opposite direction for these guys. Domenech better use astronomy and paranormal activities to banish the raging demons of the media. very bad, embarrassing.


Germany Shows good performance, but I prefer Ivory coast to Brazil, not based on anything logical.

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Germany get to play England next. What happens depends on which England team turns up, the useless twits of the first two matches or the more determined lot of the last group match. Perhaps Don Fabio will put another rocket in their pants for the Germany match.


I predict there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth in our house, should the match clash with a Federer or Nadal match at Wimbledon...

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the english players could find their comfort zone and become a dangerous side now after their 1 nil win


:ninja: the pressure is off, time to have some fun and get rooney his goal


Come on England

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Guess the Afrikaanse ball has gorged somethin' that is not kosher, cos all this ain't no football but poseball... and the best diver team probably wins due to arbitral decimation of the opponent, gee!



Gimme hope, Jo'anna!

Hope, Jo'anna!

Gimme hope, Jo'anna!

'Fore the mornin' come... :wacko:



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I've stopped paying attention to the world cup after australia was eliminated. its just too embarrissing for an australian to bear:


Our government wastes a lot of money on sports programs, children get sports rules rammed into their skulls from the moment they enter school, and after all the millions spent and "aussie pasttime" garbage, we lose to a tiny country that didnt spend any money on its team because it didnt have any money to begin with. honestly, Im no patriot, but Im still pissed that they wasted my tax dollars on football... ...to lose to ghana.


Ahh well, least I can root for Japan, maybe they'll be less fail judging by football's history.

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