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How bad@$$ is your character?


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Just say about your character and what makes him/her bad@$$ I'll go first:


My character's name is Seras and she is a vampire/diclonius/ninja/pirate/wizard/necromancer who is also a billonair and owns a flying castle!


Race: Diclonius

Class: Custom

Weapon: Flame Sword

Armour: Ninja Armour + Ninja Mask

Gender: Female

Specialty: Necromatic Magic


I look forward to see what people post ^_^



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Just say about your character and what makes him/her bad@$$ I'll go first:


My character's name is Seras and she is a vampire/diclonius/ninja/pirate/wizard/necromancer who is also a billonair and owns a flying castle!


Race: Diclonius

Class: Custom

Weapon: Flame Sword

Armour: Ninja Armour + Ninja Mask

Gender: Female

Specialty: Necromatic Magic



My character's name is Arturo he is a male Knight Of Dibella or since i cant fit all that in the class name i just call the class Dibellian. He travels the lands exploring the world discovering its beauty in all its many form aswell as protecting it from the forces of evil. He opposes any entity or behaviour which brings misery and stagnation of life. He is a practioner of restoration and destruction magic and highly skilled in blade and blunt weapons especially them spikey maces :tongue: He wears heavy armor for the discipline of character it brings carrying armor which weighs so much around and the discipline it brings to his body as it sculpts his flesh into a musculature frame of strength to live a long and healthy life. His favorite weapons are the magical ones which flow with the essence of life.

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My female character can use the console :biggrin:



lol hope she knows how to press a letter



(a bit more info on my female)


shes a vampire and is swift as anything, she holds two blades and wears anything that is black or red because the people are dead


she has little rheme to herself


she is the one who stalks the night

she is the one who spreads the blight

she will get you with her fangs

and then shell be gone in a bang

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My character's name is Sher. She is a nightsword. She favours agility, speed and flexibility over brute force.She favours light armour for mobility and being able to evade, run and do acrobatic moves without any restrictions from armours is a must. She uses lightweight blades so that she can strike quick and precise. Being an apprentice under an old Khajiit mage made her proficient in magic skills as well, though she prefers the schools of Illusion and Mysticism whereby she could make herself invisible, teleport behinds others or to safety and manipulate time. This complements her agility-based fighting style. Before she ended up in Cyrodiil, she was in Morrowind with her tutor, and she learnt the ways of arcane archery, whereby she can manipulate her magicka to shoot out numerous arrows to strike a target after the arrow nocked on her bow hits the victim. She sounds pretty bad@$$, but she really isn't, especially after languishing in the prison for 2 years.



Race: Ainmhi (or a shaved Ohmes-rath lore-wise :P )

Class: nightsword

Weapon: light and flexible blades like the akaviri style katanas, or daggers (which she would duel wield or reverse grip)

Armour: Skirt (for maximum mobility and dodging) + any kind of light armor, though she mostly prefers coats or dressarmours.

Gender: Female

Specialty: Agile blade skills, magic knowledge from the schools of Illusion and Mysticism, arcane archery.




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My female character can use the console :biggrin:



Intensely magical are you! Why you can craft the game world to your desires without using a mod! Intense :ohmy:


A little more on my character. My Dibella Knight prefers up close combat instead of long range weapons like bows since he considers them a bit on the sneaky cowardly side. He is also on what he considers a fruitless quest to discover a morally good version of conjuration magic which calls upon the forces of the Nine Divines and not the dark magic that is known which asks the aid of Daedra. Surely what crusader of justice beauty and life would summon up a rotting stinking corpse to aid him in battle?

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My character is pretty bad@$$ :tongue:


Race: High-elf

Class: Spellbow (Marksman/destruction)

Weapon: Custom (Black daedric bow with a black aura) and an enchanted daedric dagger

Armour: :ninja: Black hood with ninja mask + Black cape + Black ranger coat + Blacksmith pants + Black leather boots

Gender: Male

Specialty: Marksman


I've always used this outfit because I love it. The ranger coat came from adonays elven weaponry mod.


I'll post a picture character of my character once I've reinstalled oblivion ^-^

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My current character is a human, named Hale, from Xenius' excellent race compilation, and is an assassin. She uses any sort of light armor-whatever happens to be the most powerful she has around at the time- as well as a beautiful longsword called Perdition's Edge. Not much use of magic, just the occasional Moonshadow, as well as the two spells Blink and Assassin's Rush from Mighty Magick. For transportation... Well, she's quite capable of running, but prefers to ride on the back of either of her two epic mounts, Nazagear the Terrible, or a savage, wild spright. (Which reminds me of the Pokemon Suicune.) I had to hunt around for both of these mounts, so lemme know if you'd like the links! Links to images here, the upload thing isn't working...


Nazagear: http://s1021.photobu...nt=Nazagear.jpg


Hale with one of the coolest longswords ever, seriously, search the Nexus for PerditionsEdge: http://s1021.photobucket.com/albums/af339/Raithfyre/?action=view&current=SwordPose.jpg


On the Wild Spright near the Temple Of Nirn, with some prison clothes and the Silver Sword Of Git: http://s1021.photobu...nTheSpright.jpg

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