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Holstered Rifle Hovering


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I was wondering if there's there's a mod out there that makes a holstered rifle attach to a character's back, not hover behind it. The assault rifles are the worst offenders here, and the problem seems more apparent on (non-power armored) female characters. I've looked all over for a mod like this, and I just can't seem to find one. It's a small thing, but it's really annoying, and kind of discourages me from using assault rifles, which is a shame.
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I'm pretty sure you can't change the position of the where the weapon is holstered very easily. there are bones and animations involved there. the weapon bone is just attached and unattached to the spine 2/ Right hand bones when holstering. there are controlled blocks in the anims controlling this. just look in an equip/holster anim, and notice the txt keys for the Prn attachments.


forget about editing those. unless you are an absolute wizard and have days to figure out how it is all put together, I wouldn't mess with that. and tbh how are you gonna reposition the weapon when its attached to the spine2 bone? move the spine2 bone? scary thought.



but you could have mod a holster to hide the fact it floats. I remember coming across someone who basically had a good solution. I think it was scripted so that each weapon would equip its unique holster made to fit that weapon... sounds like win. but I have no idea who or where I read that.

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but you could have mod a holster to hide the fact it floats. I remember coming across someone who basically had a good solution. I think it was scripted so that each weapon would equip its unique holster made to fit that weapon... sounds like win. but I have no idea who or where I read that.


Looks like this mod by Rustreaver4d1. But it's unstable or maybe confict with my other mods, so I don't use it.

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