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Less "grinding"/stock battles in Deep roads


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Most of the areas in Dragon Age are okay...save one. Deep Roads. Seriously? How many Stalkers and Giant Spiders do they expect us to kill? I thought the Dwarves were dealing with Dark Spawn in the Deep Roads for the last 400 years!


If someone can make a mod with a "less is more" idea in their heads, I'd really appreciate it. I don't even know if its possible.

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Most of the areas in Dragon Age are okay...save one. Deep Roads. Seriously? How many Stalkers and Giant Spiders do they expect us to kill? I thought the Dwarves were dealing with Dark Spawn in the Deep Roads for the last 400 years!


If someone can make a mod with a "less is more" idea in their heads, I'd really appreciate it. I don't even know if its possible.



i agree tbh, though saying that i personally hate the Deep Roads and always leave dwarven treaties till last ... mainly because the dead trenches creep me out but w/e


yeah those spiders jumping on your head are irritating to say the least

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