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Player Voiced Comments


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Mod Concept: I was playing a highly immersible style character today and thought that it would be cool to respond to npc random comments. I was thinking that there could be a high to low positive scale, and a high to low negative scale in which you can respond either very nicely, some what nice, in between, not so nice, kind of mean, or very mean. The mod would need to incorporate a means to program six hot key spots on your keyboard that can be assigned to each pc comment.


You could either use vanilla oblivion voices for both female and males, or use custom sound files, in which can be modified by each player that downloads them so that they can record and use their own voices if they so pleased.


I'm not sure what it would take to make this type of mod possible, but thought it would be cool and would bring your character more to life rather than having just a blank and no response to npc comments.


There was a part of me that wanted to download the mod that turns off npc passing comments, however another part of me thought that it would be less immersible. Perhaps tweaking some npc comments to more suit this type of mod would be an option as well if possible. I'm pretty sure if this mod were made I would use the very negative response to anyone that tells my female character, "look at the muscles on you."


Anyways, any additional suggestions and or comments will be welcomed as well as anyone considering to assist or make this mod.

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Hmm. I'm not sure. I think it's probably possible, but I have no idea how difficult. If you want the comment to have a deposition reaction on an NPC, that would probably be difficult, unless maybe a deposition rise was also bound to the same key as the comment.
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Hmm. I'm not sure. I think it's probably possible, but I have no idea how difficult. If you want the comment to have a deposition reaction on an NPC, that would probably be difficult, unless maybe a deposition rise was also bound to the same key as the comment.


I would see how that would make it more realistic, but can also take away from the mod even being considered depending on how difficult that may be to pull off. But if it isn't too difficult, and perhaps binding the two functions into one hot key is functional and without conflict, than that would be cool.


I know there are mods out there that use hot key assignment scripts, and using that might be as easy as getting permission and modifying the script to function with another script that plays the voice commands by use of hot key...errr something like that...right? lol

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Hey, this idea is actually pretty cool. And the scripting is easy if you know what you're doing.


I wish I knew what I was doing when it comes to modding, but that's why I threw this idea out there, hopefully someone picks it up.

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If a problem with this Mod is voice acting..I can do voice acting if anyone needs it..just tell me what to do and i will...I have teamspeak and Vintrilo so if you want to hear my voice then just ask i mean im willing to help with this mod in any way that i can!
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If a problem with this Mod is voice acting..I can do voice acting if anyone needs it..just tell me what to do and i will...I have teamspeak and Vintrilo so if you want to hear my voice then just ask i mean im willing to help with this mod in any way that i can!


Hopefully, the mod will allow customizable voice files, to where each individual player can record their own voices for their own characters. I figured as a default, vanilla voices can be used though I'm not sure if those files can be overwritten with custom files. Details still a bit shady in that area, so if custom voices are needed to make this possible, I will also lend my voice.


Also, if nobody picks this up, can someone at least guide me in how to make a mod like this possible? I'm training in A+, Network+, and Security+ certifications but programming isn't on the list anytime soon, though I have a lot of website creation history, so I know a little about programming as in html, java, and a little bit of c+ and php. Other than that my modding experience is zero.

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I don't think that you could actaully make the voice files with vanilla voices ...Because they never voice acted the lines that you may want your character to say...you could maybe do the replies that you hear when people are talkign but those really make no sence the way i figure..you would probably have to make costom voice acting files.
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If you are talking about adding a few custom voices (e.g. sound fx), that would be easy to add sound fx entries.


The sound fx can be fired off using vanilla script (PlaySound). However, I have not tried to make key inputs so I'm not sure if this can be done without OBSE. I do know that OBSE allows keys to be configured to call certain functions (GetControl).


Anyone that uses several OBSE mods knows about the problems of mods conflicting with their keyboard assignments so you'd need to be careful here.


But everything I was just talking about is purely non-interactive. You press a key and you hear audio. I think whoever that tries to have it interact with NPCs is going to have a very difficult and complicated time doing so. Example: There are 3 NPCs standing around you that are talking and you respond...but which one is it that "takes your response" and adjusts their disposition accordingly? Probably would have to start using a targeting system where the reply goes to the NPC at the crosshair...but what if there is nobody at the crosshair? etc., etc., etc.



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