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Creating a new class


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Ok, Hi Nexus gurus. My first post and its about a problem I'm having.

So I have been trying to get into the whole creating classes and I feel like I'm almost there but is missing something.

I have been following This Tutorial after a unlucky attempt with the guide on the Wiki Tutorial


My status right now is as followed:

I have managed to get the module to show up in the downloadable contents menu.

The class is also in the character creator and I can also select the class.

But here comes the problem:


When I select the background, the character disappears.

But the most freaky thing is, if I select the


And then the Human->Paladin->noble

The Paladin will show, but as a warrior (all stats and abilities are the same as a warriors). The same thing happens when I select the rogue first and then the Paladin (the Paladin becomes a rouge with stats and abilities the same as a rogue)




What am I missing here?

Edited by osten37
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no that cant be it because I have only patched it to 1.02 so I could try creating a class without awakening installed. So it looks like I'm still at rock bottom :S
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From the wiki (though in your case I guess it would be the default_paladin.utc if going by the other tutorial) - something to try anyway if you haven't checked it already:




* It is very likely you did not EXPORT your default_shaman.utc model

* Double check the background file to make sure you are using default_shaman.utc for the template

* Try rebooting your computer.

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Oh God I found out what it was:)


This is the kind of stuff that happens when a noob is copy pasting scripts without understanding what is in them.

It was a problem in the load script that bugged it all up.

it said:

            // -----------------------------------------------------------------
           // Handle character generation events sent by the engine.
           // -----------------------------------------------------------------
               HandleEvent(ev, R"ld_sys_chargen.ncs");
               Log_Trace(LOG_CHANNEL_EVENTS, GetCurrentScriptName(), Log_GetEventNameById(nEvent) + " (" + ToString(nEvent) + ") *** Unhandled event ***");

When it should have said:

HandleEvent(ev, R"wd_sys_chargen.ncs");

which was the name we called the modified version :)


Its always nice to begin understanding just a little bit about scripts this way.

So for future reference this is a bug in the tut :)

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Sorry for resurrecting this, but since it's only three days old and it's still on the front page, and it has the exact subject and description I would have otherwise used, I figured I may as well post here instead of starting a new thread.


I'm having the same problem as the OP, or rather I'm having the same symptom, namely that one of my custom race/class/background combinations is not loading a model or any other options (such as headmorph presets and such).


Now I have already double and triple checked that I have my UTC file exported and in the proper override directory. I've double and triple checked that my background.xls file entries are all correct (on all worksheets) and properly converted to GDA files and also placed in the correct override directory. I've rebooted my computer. I've double and triple checked to make sure that my event handler script correctly points to "wd_sys_chargen.ncs" (which is the correct filename based on what I named my new chargen script file after creating a duplicate of the original). I've double checked that my wd_sys_chargen script has been saved and compiled without error and that the wd_sys_chargen.ncs and wd_sys_chargen.nss files both exist and are in the correct override directory.


Despite all of these checks to ensure that everything *should* work properly, I cannot get a body to load in the Character Generation screen for *one* of my custom combinations.


Now, I have a number of custom combinations, and ignoring gender, I have three race/class/background combinations that use the same UTC file that I'm having trouble with (all others work fine). Of the three that use the one I seem to be having a problem with, two of them show up fine. The third does not. Now I know this can't be a problem with my custom class because several of my other combinations which include that class work perfectly. I'm pretty sure it isn't a problem with the race/class choice because the other two combinations, the two that use the same UTC and still load properly anyway, use the same race and class, just a different background.


The background I'm having trouble with is the Magi background, but I have made other customizations that have allowed odd combinations to successfully use that background, such as allowing an Elf Rogue to start in the Circle of Magi background, and I've had no problems before. I can even create a Human or Dwarf (of either gender) with my new custom class and use the Magi background just fine.


The specific combinations that use the same UTC as the combination that is giving me trouble are as follows:


Elf, Custom Class (Psionic), Dalish -- works fine

Elf, Psionic, Dwarf Noble (adopted) -- works fine

Elf, Psionic, Magi -- does not work


Does anyone have any suggestions about what else could possibly be causing this problem?


I'd appreciate any help that can be offered.




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