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Show sidearm while rifle is equipped


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Would it be possible to have a mod where the last handgun/holstered weapon you equipped remains visible in your holster when you switch to a two-handed weapon, and your last-used two-handed weapon stays on your back when you switch to the sidearm? Maybe have a single button to either quickly swap between them, or instantly drop the currently-equipped two-handed weapon (if empty) to draw the sidearm? I just think it's funny when you have a holster mod which your sidearm fits in perfectly, but it vanishes the second you equip a different gun. I'm not certain if this is something the engine allows, but I'd really be interested if it is.

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Yeah, I'v been meaning to get around to it, but have been a little bit busy :sad:


Put a demo up, although this one keeps a rifle hostered when you pull other weapons (as opposed to a sidearm). But I plan on up to 5 or 6 separate, sheathed weapons, remain visible. Say a knif in your boot, a sidearm on the hip, a katana or similar weapon on the other hip, up to two items across the back. Maybe more, maybe less.


Anyway here is the demo mod.








EDIT: ooops, here's a better pic.

Edited by devinpatterson
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