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One way out of a cell


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I'm trying to create a true bag of holding for the game, and the scripting and lore requires that the player leaves the interior cell in one way. The player cannot leave by any other means, e.g. script commands, teleport spells, or the console. Is there any way to kill the player in a cataclysmic explosion if they try to leave the cell by any way other than a certain activator?
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Hm, lore for bags of holding also says that they have a finite amount of air, 10 minutes or so. Could just kill the player after 600 seconds. I think that'd get irksome to use as storage, though.


Kieranfoy: But that's no fun, giant explosions are fun.


Fonger: Would that method kill the player before they leave the cell or would it only kick in a while after?

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I had an idea: Set a looping timer to end every 5 seconds, and check for a variable that is set upon entering the cell, similar to the GetInSEWorld thing, as well as running a GetInCell check. If both don't return positive for being in the cell, kill the player.
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