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Should pornography, prostitution and strip clubs be more out in the o


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Part of the reason people think pornography, strip clubs and prostitution are seedy and dodgy is because they are confined to the very edges of society. If porn boutiques, prostitutes and strip clubs were on your main boulevard, as are your hardware shop or grocery store, much of the stigma of such things would be removed and it could lead to a more harmonious society.

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The thing about porn is there's much more to it than naked women in explicit poses. Where do you draw the line? How much are you, or society in general, willing to accept as being appropriate for the local shopping mall?


Porn itself is notoriously hard to define, and its definition has constantly changed over time, not to mention regional differences. What was scandalous (and potentially arrest-worthy) in, say, the 20s is passe today. Myself, I don't even consider a picture pornographic until it shows genitals, and even then it depends on how and in what context they are shown (otherwise, anatomy books would be porn :tongue:). A more conservative person might scream PORN at the very sight of a bare breast, (which, to my understanding, is also an almost complete Americanism, most anywhere else a bare breast is a bare breast, no big deal) and especially if the subject even appears to be young.


In any case, I don't really think that the integration of porn, prostitution, and strip clubs into "mainstream" areas of society will help much. However, I think shedding (or at least mostly so) the nudity taboo that afflicts American culture will have an overall positive effect on society. It really doesn't make sense that we Americans happily glorify and show our kids the level of gore and violence that we do, and yet shamefully shelter the buggers from natural things like naked bodies. Isn't that kind of ass backwards? And don't get me wrong: I grew up on the likes of Wolfenstein 3D, DOOM, and Duke Nukem 3D. DOOM was in fact the first game I purchased with my own money. And no one had a problem with me playing it.

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The thing about porn is there's much more to it than naked women in explicit poses. Where do you draw the line? How much are you, or society in general, willing to accept as being appropriate for the local shopping mall?


Porn itself is notoriously hard to define, and its definition has constantly changed over time, not to mention regional differences. What was scandalous (and potentially arrest-worthy) in, say, the 20s is passe today. Myself, I don't even consider a picture pornographic until it shows genitals, and even then it depends on how and in what context they are shown (otherwise, anatomy books would be porn :tongue:). A more conservative person might scream PORN at the very sight of a bare breast, (which, to my understanding, is also an almost complete Americanism, most anywhere else a bare breast is a bare breast, no big deal) and especially if the subject even appears to be young.


In any case, I don't really think that the integration of porn, prostitution, and strip clubs into "mainstream" areas of society will help much. However, I think shedding (or at least mostly so) the nudity taboo that afflicts American culture will have an overall positive effect on society. It really doesn't make sense that we Americans happily glorify and show our kids the level of gore and violence that we do, and yet shamefully shelter the buggers from natural things like naked bodies. Isn't that kind of ass backwards? And don't get me wrong: I grew up on the likes of Wolfenstein 3D, DOOM, and Duke Nukem 3D. DOOM was in fact the first game I purchased with my own money. And no one had a problem with me playing it.


So it should stay in the shadows then? What progress would there be if it remains 'smutty'?

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,,, in the shadow of the church, cos both are closely related, as is usual with antagonisms, esp. of the flesh



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Part of the reason people think pornography, strip clubs and prostitution are seedy and dodgy is because they are confined to the very edges of society. If porn boutiques, prostitutes and strip clubs were on your main boulevard, as are your hardware shop or grocery store, much of the stigma of such things would be removed and it could lead to a more harmonious society.

REALY??? I don't think that they will.




,,, in the shadow of the church, cos both are closely related, as is usual with antagonisms, esp. of the flesh



I could open up here another barrel, nearly I did, but it is neither the right time to say what think to this nor the right place (all I can is remark (underline) with that whats already here that there is another group very silently treated the same. I can only add the quote where this debate leads to in the end.




Sorry, that but this what is hidden under the surface here makes me feel real sick.

Edited by SilverDNA
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Part of the reason people think pornography, strip clubs and prostitution are seedy and dodgy is because they are confined to the very edges of society. If porn boutiques, prostitutes and strip clubs were on your main boulevard, as are your hardware shop or grocery store, much of the stigma of such things would be removed and it could lead to a more harmonious society.

REALY??? I don't think that they will.




,,, in the shadow of the church, cos both are closely related, as is usual with antagonisms, esp. of the flesh



I could open up here another barrel, nearly I did, but it is neither the right time to say what think to this nor the right place (all  I can is remark (underline) with that whats already here that there is another group very silently treated the same.  I can only  add the quote where this debate leads to in the end.




Care to explain more?

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Guess he means "all animals have lust, but some animals have more lust than others"... or somethin' :woot:



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Part of the reason people think pornography, strip clubs and prostitution are seedy and dodgy is because they are confined to the very edges of society. If porn boutiques, prostitutes and strip clubs were on your main boulevard, as are your hardware shop or grocery store, much of the stigma of such things would be removed and it could lead to a more harmonious society.

REALY??? I don't think that they will.




,,, in the shadow of the church, cos both are closely related, as is usual with antagonisms, esp. of the flesh



I could open up here another barrel, nearly I did, but it is neither the right time to say what think to this nor the right place (all I can is remark (underline) with that whats already here that there is another group very silently treated the same. I can only add the quote where this debate leads to in the end.




Care to explain more?

Sorry, I apologize, lost my head on this. There is all evidence I need to prove that there is another group trated in a similar fashion as the people that work with pornography in the open by those high self claimed moralist of society.



An example: if someone doesn't want to see pornography, strip clubs and prostitution but is confronted open with this on the street how will he/she react? And now I ask witch other minority is treated similar but more silent way by people in public and please don't say it is not so. It is still so. That makes me fell sad , angry and furious. People that don't want to see the real agony of life and judge by fear that thy will become the same as their victim. Make up your mind you see those people on the street and don't want to notice them until you have no chance to go away. then you have to react and make your move. A society judging the other by own fear and with the false moral of righteousness. unseen Truth that makes those false judges gag and be sick if seen by them. Now what is the meaning of all this?


Think twice it's another day in paradise.



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The mentioned negative reaction in real life, and only that's what we're talking about, is exclusively founded in religious education - the lying morals to do/use "it", if ever, exlusively and sometimes even intensively in the secret shadows of darkness, after the sermon of chastity... with the sneering demons in the neck - and to reject it vehemently in Saint Peter fashion in the light, thrice.

And that's already the end of the thread, I fear, a thread that leads to nothin' but a more or less religious revelation of the different stages of denial of the own lust.


I for my taste don't like liars with double standards.



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