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Should pornography, prostitution and strip clubs be more out in the o


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Pornography and sex for sale became visible in Denmark during the -70th. You can now see it in every mainstreet in big cities. It does not makes it less perverted, nor less humilliating for the girls and boys who offer their "skill".

We have seen even 15 years old girls offering sex, not because they are drug addicts, no they come from ordinairy homes, no they do that to increase their pocket money, to buy stuff like I-pads, I-phones. This of cause is a biproduct of a twisted society.

We also see all the poor girls and boys, drug addict, or other sad "numbers in the society" selling their body for less than nothing, doing the most perveted thing to satisfy a just as perveted and screwed up old pig of a man (yes it is mostly old men) who needs a shrink more than a hooker.

Sex like that is just a physical need, like scracthing your bag when it´s itchy. You can do that your self, unless your arm is too short. Real sex comes out of love, if anybody knows this word theese days.

In Denmark we have tried this now for 40 years, and it is really a pitty to look at. It has even created a bigger market, envolving kidnapping and enslaving from Somalia, Africa. Girls are promised good jobes here, then they get locked up in a month, filled with heroine, to make them addicted, and then the have to "work" for the dope.

So if you really want your Sin-City, go on and try to liberate porn, and humilliated girls. We tried in vain.


What is wrong with offering a service in return for money? In this case that service is sex. Everything is an exchange of goods and society is no more twisted than it has always been. I don't think there is anything humilating about prostitution.


Other than that a lot of them only resort as the very last resort when they're usually at the lowest low.


I don't think this is always the case.


I have known male 'call boys' who have earned extraordinary amounts of money being prostitutes. They had regular jobs as well and did not do it as a last resort by any means.

The problem is that most in the sex industry are are either slaves which are brought in illegally or bought from poor families, under the "protection" of a pimp, or are free-range and are often on their own if their client ends up being violent or refuses to pay (or in the case of female clients, if the husband finds out). The reality is not fun, it is harsh, brutal, miserable, and exploitative. Most lead a life you wouldn't want to wish on your worst enemy, even when it is legal, or legal enough that authorities couldn't care less.

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And yet Denmark has much lower crime per capita than, say, the US.


If prostitution were legal here in the US, guess who'd be running the show? Flynt and Hefner, of course! Legal brothels would also be subject to all kinds of regulation, and entitled to police protection, creating a much safer environment for johns and hookers alike. Yes, there would still be illegal, unlicensed, unapproved prostitution, but that's really no different from any other regulated profession. Competition from corporate-backed whorehouses would make life much more difficult for the illegitimate operators in all sorts of ways as well, kinda like what Walmart and chain restaurants do to local outfits.

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And yet Denmark has much lower crime per capita than, say, the US.


If prostitution were legal here in the US, guess who'd be running the show? Flynt and Hefner, of course! Legal brothels would also be subject to all kinds of regulation, and entitled to police protection, creating a much safer environment for johns and hookers alike. Yes, there would still be illegal, unlicensed, unapproved prostitution, but that's really no different from any other regulated profession. Competition from corporate-backed whorehouses would make life much more difficult for the illegitimate operators in all sorts of ways as well, kinda like what Walmart and chain restaurants do to local outfits.


Precisely. I was not proposing a sudden transition to paradise, merely that conditions would IMPROVE, which is better than no improvement.

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replying to few posts above.

BBC was showing about south africa during world cup. a sextion was dedicated to prostitution. the prostitutes were telling the intreviewer about the misrable lives they were leading, what the johns asked them to do and how much money they were making during the event. 'twas quite disturbing to watch them crying at it. you think they would lead a better life if such acts were legalized, they would lead a better life? rape, beatings by cops amd johns alike are imminent in their soceity. how about job making by the government so that they may lead a better life?


I know that by legalizing such activities, some problems might be solved (cop beating, imminent rape etc.), but these people don't enjoy their job now do they?


in my opinion rape rates wouldn't drop much. many rape cases are not only to fill sexual desire. Humiliation, the inability to make a pereson like them, sadism, anger etc. some are feuled for sexual desires (which are normally fueled by psychogenic or psychological disorders).


to Vagrant,


I Totally agree, to restate what you forgot to mention: Acts that are Widely practiced yet Unaccepted by the Society.


it's not like pizza. when you tell children games are bad while playing them, or all the neighbors are playing them, they sure will get curious about it. now add instincts of a young-prime age. that's what happens with porn.

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it's not like pizza. when you tell children games are bad while playing them, or all the neighbors are playing them, they sure will get curious about it. now add instincts of a young-prime age. that's what happens with porn.

I only wanted to ad the following to that "Curiosity killed the cat". It is a mixture of curiosity and desire/pleasure that bring people to do this.

It's a known fact the youth is even more and more earlier on that stage than because the grow biological faster than some generations before. The younger they are, the more curious they are to the forbidden and more like to experiment with this, witch brings them to drugs and prostitution. Another point is that the lower the income of a family has, the lower the education, the more the danger to drift into those circles. More social programs help only to a minor degree to solve the violence part of the problem. Social politics are in a vicious circle if the teacher and the family aren't working as should be and vice versa. For those who like it to be a prostitute or a lap dancer....etc. they can have it their way, but those who dislike should be given every chance and a hand to get out of it.

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I notice pretty much every argument against it so far has been based on the fact that, currently, the entire thing is filled with all kinds of horrible stuff. Violence, drugs, terrible pay, unwilling girls being forced into it, children.


But surely, the entire point of legalising it is that government regulation would put a stop to that? Brothels would have to impose strict limits on what clients are allowed to do. They would have to maintain a minimum level of security (CCTV cameras in each room? Security staff on hand, ready to respond to any trouble? Bouncers quite happy to bar entry to any unsavoury types who are likely to cause problems?). They would have to ensure a minimum amount of protection is used at all times, and that the staff (and they would be staff) would have to undergo regular medical examinations to ensure their health. Maybe staff would have the right to refuse to serve any customer (within reason). Establishments would have to undergo regular, thorough government inspection to ensure all standards were being followed, with the punishment of hefty fines, or being shut down completely, for failing to follow the rules. Anyone registering their brothel with the authorities (as all businesses have to do) could be subject to a CRC check as a matter of course (same as anyone wanting to be a teacher, or nurse - maybe even stricter). Maybe any staff would be too. Girls would have to be of a minimum age to work there, and there would be various other employment regulations too no doubt (on top of the ones that apply to all jobs). No doubt there would be myriad other regulations and standards put in place too.


And of course, if the government knows exactly where every brothel is, then they can plan police schedules, CCTV, etc based on that - to deal with any problems occuring nearby (if any would occur), which the brothel security was either unaware of/unable to deal with. I think a fully legalised, highly regulated industry, with well-enforced standards, would remove the vast majority of problems caused by prostitution in it's current form.


As for porn... porn is already legal, to a large extent, and I don't think anything really needs to be changed with that. The internet has made it extremely easy to get hold of, should you wish to, and I don't see much point in making it any more public. As has been said, it would remove the feeling of naughtiness - which I think would be a bad thing, not least because it helps remind people that what goes on in a porn film is very different to the reality of life, and the two should not be mixed up.

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I think the benefits of legalising prostitution outweigh the negatives. As things are girls are forced to work in dangerous conditions with no protection, they are exploited by their pimps and are a health risk to their customers. Only recently in the UK we've had several prostitutes murdered, they won't be the last while they are forced "underground". Legalised, licensed and properly inspected brothels with strict health checks could solve a lot of problems. Proper checks on the backgrounds of those wishing to run a brothel will weed out the criminal element. What we have now is prohibition and as everyone knows where there is a market for something prohibition fails and the criminals cash in.


I'm not really bothered about porn, as long as it's kept away from children and only shows consenting adults I couldn't care less how available it is.

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