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An Old Persian Song


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This song was the First Iranian national anthem, it was used from the time of Mozzafar al-Din Shah Qajar until 1933. This Anthem, was rearranged, recomposed and orchestrated by the Persian composers Siavash Beizai and Salar Aghili in 2009. I just love this song, so I thought I put it here so anyone who wants can enjoy it. Also included Lyrics and Translations. I tried including the MP3, didnt work :( the link below will play it tho.











نام جاوید وطن_____________ Nâm-e jâvid-e vatan______________________ The immortal name of homeland

صبح امید وطن_____________Sobh-e omîd-e vatan __________________The hopeful morning of homeland

جلوه کن در آسمان ____________Jelve kon dar âsemân_________________ Show your face in the sky

همچو مهر جاودان ___________Hamcho mehr-e jâvdân_____________________Like the immortal sun

وطن ای هستی من__________Vatan ey hasti-e man____________________Oh homeland my life

شور و سرمستی من ___________Shûr o sarmastî-e man________________ My passion and my joy

جلوه کن در آسمان_____________ Jelve kon dar âsemân______________Show your face in the sky

همچو مهر جاودان ___________Hamcho mehr-e jâvdân_____________________ Like the immortal sun

بشنو سوز سخنم_______________Besheno sûz-e sokhanam ________________listen to the pain of my words

که هم آواز تو منم _____________Ke ham âvaz-e to manam_____________________I am your companion singer

همه ی جان و تنم____________Hame-ye jân o tanam______________________All my body and soul

وطنم وطنم وطنم وطنم_________Vatanam Vatanam Vatanam Vatanam________My homeland, my homeland, my homeland, my homeland

بشنو سوز سخنم_______________Besheno sûz-e sokhanam_________________Listen to the pain of my words

که نواگر این چمنم ___________Ke navagar-e în chamanam______________I am the nightingale of this garden

همه ی جان و تنم ____________Hame-ye jân o tanam________________________All my body and soul

وطنم وطنم وطنم وطنم__________Vatanam Vatanam Vatanam Vatanam__________My homeland, my homeland,my homeland, my homeland

همه با یک نام و نشان_________Hame bâ yek nâm o neshân________________All with one name and symbol

به تفاوت هر رنگ و زبان____________Be tafâvot-e har rang o zabân _________With different colors and languages

همه با یک نام و نشان ______________Hame bâ yek nâm o neshân_____________All with one name and symbol

به تفاوت هر رنگ و زبان___________Be tafâvot-e har rang o zabân_______________With different colors and languages

همه شاد و خوش و نغمه زنان_________Hame shâd o khosh o naghme zanân ________All cheerful, happy and singing

ز صلابت ایران جوان____________Ze salâbat-e Irân-e javân__________________Because of the strength of young Iran

ز صلابت ایران جوان____________Ze salâbat-e Irân-e javân__________________Because of the strength of young Iran

ز صلابت ایران جوان____________Ze salâbat-e Irân-e javân__________________Because of the strength of young Iran



Had to use lines because spaces didnt seem to matter at all =/

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Agrees with IIliad, very cool song. Thanks for sharing it Corlan. The history behind it is also interesting! :thumbsup:
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Thanks for sharing.

Now if we could get the slackers in other countries to do something similar. Ok, so some of us are way too lazy to Google for their songs.

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Who says their lazy lol. Here's the Canadian Anthem, its kind of short compared to some.


Canadian Anthem.


O Canada!

Our home and native land!

True patriot love in all thy sons command.


With glowing hearts we see thee rise,

The True North strong and free!


From far and wide,

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.


God keep our land glorious and free!

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.


O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

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