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Any good programmers need some spare cash?


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Hey there,


I'm looking to obtain a quality companion, a female, "Cortney". I'm willing to pay up to 30 USD via online transfer, depending on quality. For more information please e-mail me at, [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you.


P.S. Depending on how many responses I receive I may want to see your "Resume" (What kind of mods you have created in the past)

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Meh, this is true, nobody really pays for modding, but I'm looking to get a quality companion here. Custom made. For me only. The money is just an incentive to get it done as soon as possible. That and you usually get what you pay for. I'm looking for quality goods, so I'll pay a good price for your time. Besides, I make roughly 750 a week after taxes and I'm only 18 and going into college. So I don't do anything with the money but stockpile it. (I live with my family)
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Meh, this is true, nobody really pays for modding

There's a thing called a EULA. Paying for mods violates it.


Custom made. For me only.

Then do it yourself, not only do you get the smug b*stard satisfaction of having the only copy but you have the even smug-er b*stard-er sensation of having done it yourself and being able to tell others to go eat a dick pavlova. Don't get me wrong, I'm a B*stard and I endorse this method.


you usually get what you pay for.

Why then are so many free Source engine mods better than MW2 which costs fifty unreasonable pounds sterling?


, I make roughly 750 a week after taxes and I'm only 18

This is the point you transcend smug b*stard and start looking like an idiot posing with wads of money.


So I don't do anything with the money but stockpile it.

Convert it into booze and parties and fuel for vehicles (which will only be reasonable for another 20-30 years). Or maybe sockpile it and use it to buy a home later, or a car, or a cyber-powered fishystick machine! Don't waste it trying to bribe modders and violating the EULA!

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Oh, wow... Didn't know you couldn't "buy" mods. My apologies. Also, I'm not bragging.... I have a job. I work 9 to 5. It's a suck job but it pays well. (Although in this economy [in America at least] having a job is almost worthy of bragging over.) As for doing it myself, I've got 10 failed esp's for my companion sitting in my FOMM that need to be deleted. (I've already deleted the last 5 or 6.) I've tried for about a week. I just got frustrated to the point that I'd rather throw some money out for a few pixels than go through the aggravation of doing it myself. (I suck at companions.)
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Why go to the trouble of doing the whole thing from scratch? You're makin things too hard on yourself trying to reinvent the wheel. Here's what you do:


Grab a companion mod.


Grab Phalanx and/or Sharing and Caring Companions if needed.


Edit the companion's name, race, face, stats, and equipment in GECK.


And there ya go, custom companion for ya!

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Yeah, some of the companion mods out there are pretty well-done, especially the ones with quests tied on to them, such as Ruined Tail, or the Dremora Companion. Dremora companion actually just offers control over the companion, not much in the way of dialogue.
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