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<missing name> item in list of things I can enchant


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I'd been doing a quest and ended up with a lot of stuff in my inventory. I went to see what enchantments I could learn or apply to my upgraded armour and selecting the list of items to enchant - I got one of the above named in the list.


There's nothing in my inventory called anything remotely like that, and I even tried removing all my clothing and weapons and I still had it.


How can I get rid of it? And what might have caused it?

Many thinks

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The fix I know of requires use of the console, so if you're comfortable doing so, try these steps.


1) player.showinventory

This will display a list of items you have, along with the item ID. An example picture is on my friend's Steam account: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=317212604


2) Type player.additem <item id> -X where item id is the ID from the item (example is the Key to Proudspire Manor, ID A7B37), and X is the number of the items to remove. You can also try player.drop <item id>, but that might cause your Skyrim to CTD, so YMMV. I use the additem command to add and remove items. The reason there is an - in front of the X is it's a minus sign, telling the game to REMOVE that many items.

As for what causes it, sometimes when you remove a mod, or when a mod is badly made, it doesn't have the proper data, and so it displays that.

If this doesn't fix it, a mod list/mod order (using LOOT) would be our best shot for attempting to help you, along with a screenshot (F12 takes a Steam screenshot!) so we can see the issue for ourselves.

Edited by ACAkutare
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Thank you. I got back to my house and found a couple of items with completely blank names and ridiculous IDs (when very very low (01f7 or thereabouts), one very very high (30000dec ish)) and did player.removeitem and the strangeness at the enchanting table went away.

Is it in any way possible to display information about the items before I delete them in case they might have been important? Or are they both likely to be objects left lying around from a mod which I deactivated (I have a few)

I notice looking back through my saves that an object having a bad editor ID seems to be a fairly common occurrence. Even for rings and stuff. But I see you have it in your screenshot so I suppose it's not un-normal. Certainly the equipping overhaul mod generates plenty of bad IDs when you switch on the 'show favourites as equipped' option.



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Thank you. I got back to my house and found a couple of items with completely blank names and ridiculous IDs (when very very low (01f7 or thereabouts), one very very high (30000dec ish)) and did player.removeitem and the strangeness at the enchanting table went away.


Is it in any way possible to display information about the items before I delete them in case they might have been important? Or are they both likely to be objects left lying around from a mod which I deactivated (I have a few)


I notice looking back through my saves that an object having a bad editor ID seems to be a fairly common occurrence. Even for rings and stuff. But I see you have it in your screenshot so I suppose it's not un-normal. Certainly the equipping overhaul mod generates plenty of bad IDs when you switch on the 'show favourites as equipped' option.




True. however, the 01 seems to be in Update.esm, as 00 is Skyrim.esm. Just glad to hear that it worked. I don't know why you get BAD EDITOR ID, but I've not seen any problems with it.


Just remember, in an ID where it goes XX000001, XX is always the module load order, in hexadecimal. (ie: 64 = 100). FF is used for dynamically created creatures/NPC's like the bandits, if I recall properly.

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