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Importing OBJ'S into Nifskope and making a weapon from scratch.


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I like to model things and I thought I would add a model into my game. I got into nifskope and I imported my obj but I don't know how to make it functional for fallout 3. I viewed other tutorials but most of them involve copy and pasting the already existent NIF files. Any ideas? Oh and Hi guys! (Couldn't find a place to say it.)


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Well theres some nodes i need to affix for correct animation, I know that much. But I cannot seam to get the nif file to be just like all the other nif files. Than again you could be right. I'm going to check up on this after I finish sculpting.
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just today started the mesh modding/nifskope thing and wanna share my two cents. first off import a functional weapon .nif into blender (a vanilla one and you'll need the nif tool set for blender, blender is what i used and i havent found great compatibility with any other modeler unfortunately), mod the mesh to comply with its obvious necessities such as its handle (where its held) to make sure it will work out in game and edit its uv map (texture) to fit your new model, then export it as a nif again, load it in nifskope and then go to the top bar and click Render/Settings then click on "add folder" and add fallout 3 "data" folder and close that box, go into your new .nif's tree under NiNode/NiTriStrips/NiTexturingProperty (may differ) and edit the NiSourceTexture to display where you want your new items textures to go (make sure its in a folder in the data folder). save the nif from nifskope as whatever you want it to be, put it in a folder to along with your textures in their own textures folder (3 of them, "texture" "texture_n" and "texture_g", you can use photoshop to edit current ones ((with a plugin, only works with photoshop 32bit)) if you dont know how to make your own). then use fallout mod manager to make a mod file using "make from folder" using that new folder you just created with your junk in it. that will make the item accessible inside the game, you then need to make another .esp file with the fallout3 toolset or whatever to make it load in a certain location or whatnot, it will use the settings for whatever gun you moddified it from like it will shoot lasers if you changed the laser rifle mesh. this is a cheap way of making a gun, but its somewhere to start. and here are some tutorials to help you if you arent very familiar with blender


making uv maps


screwing with meshes


use the mouse wheel button to move around the object, hold shift and press the mouse wheel button to move your focus around. (couldn't find this info anywhere, which is why im posting it)


i hope this was helpful, and i have tested what i've said but in oblivion so you may need to put fallout3 specific details in there.

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i would like to recomend a blender tutorial. Only one I know that is comprehensive and has understood correct export


But it is for rigged meshes.


There is a weapon tutorial as well http://www.fallout3nexus.com/articles/article.php?id=232

but i cannot recomend that one, the author hasn't got the hang of correct export, and again asks the reader to do a big juggle at the end in nifskope. < which you don't need to do.


As for other modellers having great compatibility. there is always max. pretty similar in capability. except minus a couple features only about 3 max users would have ever used.

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