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Legion Bounty Hunter!


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Since I'm bored, playing a good character and am strapped for cash, I'd like to know what you all think would work for a bounty hunting quest. Think Dark Brotherhood, but for good or neutral characters, and with less "DROP ANTLERS ON HIM" and more "STAB HIM IN THE FACE". I actually have the start of it working in-game already... for example, the first target is a murderer ex-guardsman, hiding in Vilverin. Fun stuff. After you get the quest, you go kill him, report back, get 200 gold and 1 fame, and OFFICIALLY become the Legion's Unofficial Bounty Hunter.


....yeah, that's all I have so far. SO, does anyone have ideas for this? More targets? Good locations? Advice for an amateur modder? Hell, I'd even take ideas for what to name the ranks. I'm trying to make this a small mod, so no custom voices or anything, but it should mesh just fine with vanilla Oblivion, and give a few hours of fun and enjoyment killing random scumbags, rapists, killers, and litterers, AND GETTING PAID FOR IT! :biggrin:

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I reckon at the higher ranks you get sent after dark-brotherhood members, generic ones, to allow compatability with the db quest line. Something like: Man is arrested for assult (triggered when you can see it) -> guards search his house, find evidence he wants someone dead and the name -> you offer to locate the person first -> arrive just after he's been killed -> follow assassin somewhere -> locate a sanctuary -> report back and then get sent to track and dispose of them, mabey with a few guard followers -> in the future, randomly have db members try and whack you for revenge or something like that.


Could work well with one of the mods which adds a few more db sanctuarys, either join the db and use them, or join the hunters, locate them and "empty" them.


If you want a hand with any part of it, my ability to come up with story elements for quests is hopeless, but i'm decent at writing scripts for various thingamys. (less so quests, but won't take me long to brush up on it)

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