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RACE is a mess, HeadHumanF10.dds, Texture & RACE gods unite an fig


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Fugly huh? Race is killing meh, it's so messed up even in vanilla form. When you go to fix it, such a mess... It's like they all came in on a Monday an then like a bunch of monkeys, started throwing poop at the computer screen, in order to create the fallout 3 playable races. HITZ THA DECK TIS A POOPAGE STORM!


So what is this HeadHumanF10.dds for? It was turning two seperate races bronze (like really bronze, yah metal) ha ha so I deleted it an now it's fixed, but hmmm what does it do I wonder?

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I can't see your screenshot, I assume it's on photobucket or something, which I can't access from here. I don't know exactly what the F10 file is before, but without it my custom race faces look like a wrinkly old grandma, so it definitely does something important.
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