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Missing First-Person hands


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I'm using two mods for Shivering Isles; a mod that adds Syl and Thadon's robes, and a mod that lets me loot and equip Knight of Order armor. However, Knight of Order and Syl have no first-person hands.


How can I fix this? I love the KoO armor, and Syl's clothes look amazing on custom races, but I can't play first person with a floating weapon. I did a search, but found nothing.

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I think the reason for that may be that the clothing has a slot for hands ticked as occupied, so it's hidden for the armor to cover it. But the mesh has no armor there, so it just is invisible.


I could be wrong though, I haven't looked at it myself.

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Your problems were confirmed by others, too. I think the mods are bugged.

I did a small check with TES4Edit and I can confirm what ub3rman123 said: the hands slot is ticked. The gloves mesh covers the hands, looking with NifSkope, but surely there is some problem about it.

Try contacting the mod author.

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