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Problems with Morrowind... black landscape, and tons of purple squares


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Hello. First off, Morrowind is my favorite game of all time. So when I bought my new GPU I figured I'd do what I've wanted to do for years. Run it with all the bells and whistles.

Now, every now and then the cell I am in the landscape turns pitch black and I can't see where to go!

I've tried getting answers but no one has even responded to me.


I have Morrowind Overhaul installed as well as other mods.


Another problem is that pieces of people are missing and replaced with purple squares. I know yellow is missing meshes but I have no idea what purple squares mean.

Its not just people either. sometimes a part of a building will be purple and then I move and it turns normal.

also, random pieces of things, like cups and tables have the purple problem too.


Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I very much want to get back to the land of vvardenfell.

-Thank you.

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There's this from the old MGE (not MGE XE) thread on Bethsoft:


Q: My distant land is all black, help?

A: This might happen when you are too high above ground, try going back closer to ground. If this happens on ground level reduce Distant Land draw distance. Distant land can also become blacked out if an incorrect version of InGame.fx is used with a newer d3d8.dll. ENBSeries v0075 can cause the view to darken both within the Morrowind draw distance and MGE distant land. Mesh replacers that include extended texture mapping effects (bump, dark, detail, gloss, and/or glow) that also surround the player-point-of-view camera (like the Raindrop.nif mesh) can also cause overall darkening. The purple thing I've never heard of.


Do you get the problem with just MGSO installed?


It sounds though, to me, like a hardware problem. Does it happen with no mods loaded (deselect all mods in Data Files, rename d3d.dll to stop MGE etc.) when you start a new game?


If you still see this with no mods then it's a hardware problem.


This Bethsoft forum maybe worth a look and posting in: Morrowind Hardware and Software Issues.

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its not the distant land that's black its the land right under my feet...

I tried lowering the distand land distance from 75. to 50. and it didn't fix the issue.


purple things Im figuring my game just renders the missing meshes as purple instead of yellow?



I keep trying to play and I really want to but its impossible when I cant see where Im going half the time.

google searches come up empty. bing searches come up empty... am I the only one with this problem?

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purple things Im figuring my game just renders the missing meshes as purple instead of yellow?



No, missing meshes will be yellow and look like this, best screen I could find. If your missing mesh marker looks like that but is purple, sounds like a hardware issue.


If it's random bits of purple on an otherwise OK mesh then I'm not sure what's going on. Missing textures are rendered as white in Morrowind, purple in Oblivion.


I keep trying to play and I really want to but its impossible when I cant see where Im going half the time.

google searches come up empty. bing searches come up empty... am I the only one with this problem?

Did you try and work out if it was a mod or hardware issue:


Do you get the problem with just MGSO installed?


It sounds though, to me, like a hardware problem. Does it happen with no mods loaded (deselect all mods in Data Files, rename d3d.dll to stop MGE etc.) when you start a new game?


If you still see this with no mods then it's a hardware problem.


Maybe something here, not sure:



This Bethsoft forum maybe worth a look and posting in: Morrowind Hardware and Software Issues.

Edited by Dragon32
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Im figuring it -is- a hardware issue which sucks.


Posted on Morrowind page at bethsoft... No views or responses yet.


I'll try disabling all mods and see what happens. If I have to I will uninstall and reinstall with just essential mods and no Morrowind Overhaul

I want to play Morrowind damnit! lol. thank you for the help.

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