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I'm trying to put a new helmet in fallout 3 (it's not my own work, I ripped it from modern warfare 2 and yes its only for personal use). I have used the combat helmet as a basis in nifskope, but the new helmet has 3 pieces to it and Im not sure how I can add them properly. I have attached an image of how I have done it, but this crashed fallout when it is equipped. It works fine without the two extra bits (which are the goggles and the chin strap) but it doesn't look as good without them. I have also edited it in 3ds max and made it one object by using the attach button under edit geometry but nifskope still sees it as 3 separate models (I'm guessing because the use different textures or something??). Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks, Red.

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there are several things wrong with your nif I can see just from that picture. remove the material names. change the name of the last tristrip to be something other than Bip01 Head(this can cause issues..) and you have absolute texture file paths. you can remove everything before textures\blahblah... so all of that c:\steam\fallout\data or what ever you can cut.


the max exporter will split an object into multiple ones at export according to material id. it's a handy feature.


I can't say for certain these days, but years ago I was told by scanti, that the conformulator won't work on rigged meshes nor over meshes that have multiple objects in the same nif.


so if your helmet does indeed have 3 separte textures, you can make 3 separte nifs for this helmet. Then in the geck make use of one main helmet part, then an armor addon for the helmet which will contain the 2 other addon parts.


I wrote an article that is on the nexus for exporting unrigged helmets. attach the objects together, do all the alignments etc, but just before export, split the helmet back to the 3 pieces and export each one separately.


you can of course put them all into one nif and give it a shot, just follow my tutorial, and it'll probably work, though Ive never tried this, as I am used to planning my helmets to be on one texture sheet and 1 object, to be extra safe and compatible with faceegn. But I'm pretty confidant it'll come off fine. only thing I am uncertain of is whether the egm will morph everything in there.. only one way to find out. :)


actually I should make a note of what I was told by scanti about having multiple trishapes and rigging with egms in my tutorial...

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