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Book of Eli - Machete - Havoc Issues


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So I'm working on my first mod which was a copy of the machete used by Eli in the Film Book of Eli. I completed the modeling and texturing of the weapon pretty easily, but whats causing me a lot of problems is bringing it properly into fallout 3.


I'm also having an issue with getting the normals to display properly in fallout 3. I copied by the normals into another file with _n at the end and thats where the tutorials kind of left me. I'm not sure if there is somewhere I designate the normals in Nifskope before I convert it into a nif file, or if it (as the tutorials said) just needs to be under the same DDS name with _n at the end. Despite my following of the tutorials the normal maps won't display.


On to the bigger problem:




I followed the tutorials to create the havoc collision meshes and then applying them in nifskope, but despite that, once I drop the object after equipping it, the object just floats and you cannot select it to pick it back up. So I'm not sure what the problem is. I was wondering if anyone was interested in me giving them the geometry and texture files, and letting someone else do the havoc collision set up and game implementations. If not, then any help would be appreciated.

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normal maps can be named anything you want, they are not auto flagged to render like oblivion via the _n extention. you have to set them up in the BSShaderPPLightingProperty texture set, or in a geck texture set.

So yes there is somewhere in the nif you have to designate the normal map.


after you have exported or created or yoinked or whatever you did to get a collison mesh in your nif, besides the many havok settings, check your bsxflags.. well flags. double click that little flag icon in block details and tick the enable havok, collision, and I usually have animation ticked. you display of whats in the bsxflags flags might look different to mine, I am on a test release of nifskope and that pop up has changes, can't remember what the difference is, but its the first 2 and the 4th you can tick.


if you still have probs post back.

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Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it.


Well anyway. First I think I'll address the issue of the normals. I'm looking under the block details of the BSShaderPPlightingproperty and the only texture set I can find is where I designated the color texture set. It doesn't really differentiate where I designate the color texture set and where I designate the normal texture set.

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Alright, as far as the collision problem goes, I made sure all the flags you suggested were checked and still I got the same result. I'm wondering if it was a problem with the collision geometry. Is there any kind of program that creates similar collision geometry and organizes it in the correct format automatically so that the object behaves correctly in the engine...lol, that would be too easy though wouldn't it.





And the weird thing is.


When I do a Havoc test in GECK. Everything works fine. Oh and the sword isn't positioned in the hand in 3rd person view correctly...but I'm sure I can fix that on my own.

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It doesn't really differentiate where I designate the color texture set and where I designate the normal texture set.

yes it does

notice there are several empty slots under where you specified the diffuse map. those are for other textures that can ba used, normal, glow, environment, parallax etc. hover over the the heading of the list, textures, to see what slot is for which texture.

the second slot, bellow the diffuse map is for normal map.


I'm wondering if it was a problem with the collision geometry. Is there any kind of program that creates similar collision geometry and organizes it in the correct format automatically so that the object behaves correctly in the engine...lol, that would be too easy though wouldn't it.


When I do a Havoc test in GECK. Everything works fine.

fairly likely. dunno what exactly. you still haven't described how you actually created your collision mesh. but it sounds like you haven't done it the usual way. blender and 3ds max, you can create a mesh and designate collision properties and export it to any collision type that the game uses. or in nifskope you can create and set up standard primitive type collision.( you'll only need a single capsule shape for this weapon. imo)


odd that it tests right though. it's probably best if I have a look at the nif.


Oh and the sword isn't positioned in the hand in 3rd person view correctly...but I'm sure I can fix that on my own.

the 3rd person gripping anim is actually different than the first person and the characters always hold the weapon differently. there isn't a whole lot that can be afaik. I found you just have to get the get fit for both. which isn't always ideal..

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Vanilla items use convex shapes for collision, so, i suppose, best to use them. And your object floats because, propably, his mass is zero (non-movable object) .You can find mass in collision properties somewere (in nifscope).
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Vanilla items use convex shapes for collision, so, i suppose, best to use them. And your object floats because, propably, his mass is zero (non-movable object) .You can find mass in collision properties somewere (in nifscope).

that's basically splitting hairs. either would work. Not all vanilla items use convex shapes. many times they have gone for standard primitives.

a single capsule shape would work (slightly) better imo, its more efficient, and you can create them entirely in nifskope. that's something that can't be done with convex shapes.


as for the mass. It's a possibility, but I doubt it's that. unless that makes it non-collidable as well as non-movable...

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In NIFskope it says that my mass is seven.




I created the model, UVed and textured with maya and photoshop, but I exported it into blender and converted it into an NIF there. Thats also where I created the collision geometry in the typical fashion, where it allowed me to set up the standard primitive collision.

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